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  1. Yes, I created three scripts, one for each class + this is just one of them, and I click on one of them when needed
  2. Eventually I used this script, fished from the other forum I modified it slightly to account for the fact that I have three classes for the dimensions (so I have three scripts at the end by just modifying C1). It gives this: Procedure SwapDimsAutoClass; {©2023 Pat Stanford - pat@coviana.com} {licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0} {https://github.com/boostorg/boost/blob/master/LICENSE_1_0.txt} {TL/DR Use as you want, attribution for source, No warranty} {With great thanks the Raymond Mullin (@MullinRJ) for help in} {identifying the proper Preference code.} CONST C1='Cotations'; VAR H1 :Handle; L1,L2,L3 :LongInt; N1 :Integer; R1 :Real; S1 :String; BEGIN S1:=Index2Name(GetPrefLongInt(546)); BEGIN SetPrefLongInt(546,Name2Index(C1)); End End; Run(SwapDimsAutoClass); THANK YOU all !
  3. I would like to script a gesture that I have to do several times an hour... but I'm not too versed in vectorscript. I would like to be able to check or uncheck in one click the dimensions associated with the "Dimensions" class in the Document preferences. Ideally, I would even like to be able to associate the dimensions with the class of my choice in one click. Does a VectorScript expert think this is possible?
  4. Hello, A little tip that I share. In order to speed up the modification of the anchor of my texts, I assigned keyboard shortcuts to the main options (left-center-right and top-middle-bottom). Then via a script I created combinations between these keyboard shortcuts, which allows to have at the end very visual and quick to use keyboard shortcuts (mac): command-control keys + 1 on numpad = bottom left anchor command-control keys + 2 on numpad = bottom anchor centered text command-control keys + 3 on numpad = bottom right anchor command-control keys + 7 on numpad = anchor top left etc I used a small utility software available on Mac (BetterTouchTool). It would be nice if the designers of VW integrated this possibility inside VW: with a single keyboard shortcut one can choose one of the anchor points
  5. Suggestion for improvement: it would be nice to be able to associate a dimension style/standard with a class, as is already the case for line styles, fills, text styles. Thank you.
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