The issue has come up with this new version of Mac OS Monterey both with VW 2021 and 2022. One cannot Save drawings, nor "Save As", or open via VW drawings through VW as Save Window or does not appear or if it does its 3 feet (90cm) wide, making the work flow extremely hard.
This issue seems to affect more the setups that have two monitors, which I believe is a common architectural setup. : (
Like always VW técncial support has been very helpful but says its an Apple Mac OS Monterey issue, Apple says its a specific VW issue. Typical Catch 22 problem.
Has anyone seen this issue with Mac OS Monterey and VW 2021 or 2022.
I thought VW 2022 was Mac OS native, therefore we wouldn't not have issues but I am having issues. And if the VW 2022 has issues with Mac OS Monterey does this mean one cannot buy the new M1 Mac Chip Pro machines.
Please help !