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Benny AU

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Everything posted by Benny AU

  1. Amazing, thanks @michaelk. Just the push in the right direction I needed! The below is working for me. I did switch over to Python. Apologies, I know it's not the subject of this forum but it's a bit more familiar to me! Hopefully the framework and methods can help someone else. The code below inserts an image at any point, resizes it to match the target (scaled using the smaller edge of the imported image), then crops it to match the target size. Initially I tried to crop it to the target aspect ratio and then resize it, but found using SetBBox after SetImageCropObject messed with the crop. @unearthed I'm importing images which can be of any size or shape from a directory into a sheet layer in a grid where all images are the same size and shape. import vs TARGET_WIDTH = 130 TARGET_HEIGHT = 118 image_centre_pt = (-100,50) vs.ImportImageFile("/Users/b/Documents/tall tree.jpg", image_centre_pt) img_handle = vs.LActLayer() ### STEP 1 get image info ### imported_img_bounding_box = vs.GetBBox(img_handle) x1 = imported_img_bounding_box[0][0] y1 = imported_img_bounding_box[0][1] x2 = imported_img_bounding_box[1][0] y2 = imported_img_bounding_box[1][1] imported_width = x2 - x1 imported_height = y1 - y2 ### STEP 2 resize image using smaller edge to scale ### if (TARGET_WIDTH / TARGET_HEIGHT) > (imported_width / imported_height): #imported image is too tall width_resize_delta = (TARGET_WIDTH - imported_width) / 2 height_resize_delta = (TARGET_WIDTH / imported_width * imported_height - imported_height) / 2 else: #imported image is too wide width_resize_delta = (TARGET_HEIGHT / imported_height * imported_width - imported_width) / 2 height_resize_delta = (TARGET_HEIGHT - imported_height) / 2 # make adjustment to top & bottom, left & right to maintain centre point x1 -= width_resize_delta x2 += width_resize_delta y1 += height_resize_delta y2 -= height_resize_delta vs.SetBBox(img_handle, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) ### STEP 3 crop to target size ### image_bounding_box_points = vs.GetBBox(img_handle) resized_width = image_bounding_box_points[1][0] - image_bounding_box_points[0][0] resized_height = image_bounding_box_points[0][1] - image_bounding_box_points[1][1] # origin (0,0) puts the bottom left corner of the crop rect # at the top left corner of the image. Offset to centre on img x_crop_offset = (resized_width - TARGET_WIDTH) / 2 y_crop_offset = - (resized_height - TARGET_HEIGHT) / 2 - TARGET_HEIGHT crop_origin = (x_crop_offset, y_crop_offset) vs.RectangleN(crop_origin, (1, 0), TARGET_WIDTH, TARGET_HEIGHT) rect_handle = vs.LActLayer() vs.SetImageCropObject(img_handle, rect_handle)
  2. Hi all, long time reader first time poster. I'm trying to automate a tedious manual task of importing a number of images to a new sheet layer. I've got the image imports happening using ImportImageFile, however would like to be able to crop them to a standard aspect ratio. Is this possible to script within Vectorworks? The plan was to crop images to a preset size using the centerpoint of the image.
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