David Ormsby
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Posts posted by David Ormsby
Hi Jack
Have a look at this post
I use Sam's excellent stuff for light plots (which I couldn't get by without), but I haven't specifically tried this part of APVW - but it certainly sounds like this is what you are looking for.
This was a big help. It took me a minute to see the relationship between "Select Sheets to Use" and navigation buttons but it makes much more sense now.
Also, using the Settings button rather than the TBM seems to be a good match for my workflow that's developed since the introduction of TBs (i.e. edit what I'm looking at) however many years ago that was.
Many thanks!
I apologize if this has come up but my searches came up empty. I'll also note I usually end up skipping versions, and I'm new to the 2018/19 Titleblock object style concept.
I'm having problems with Sheet data. In 2017 and before, a record that included "Sheet Data "name" " would always ONLY update that sheet when editing the titleblock values.
My issue right now is understanding the workflow in 2019. I'm currently working on a drawing that has 33 Sheet Layers. As I was first creating all the layers, editing the titleblock sheet data worked as expected - double click, enter values to my custom fields (room name, load in date, etc) placed the entered data onto the sheet I was working on.
However, in having to go back and edit some of the custom sheet data values I've found that by default the Manager is editing a different sheet. It seems that even though I am editing sheet values I must first go to the File/Sheet list and select that sheet only. Is this right? Am I missing a way to just automatically be entering data for the sheet I am on? ( I'll admit I made the mistake of selecting all sheets, presuming Sheet Data was unique to the sheet the TB was on, and having all sheet data replaced - ouch.)
I'm not criticizing the new object style concept - but I am dealing with understanding how it works after years of a clear difference between Project Data and Sheet Data (i.e. global and local).
If I'm missing something I'd certainly appreciate the help - or if I just need to add the add the extra clicks in the TBM/Select Sheets so be it. Maybe if someone has some insight into why, from the previous global/local concept, the current concept is better?
2019 SP3
The main issue is the resolution/material of the printer - and how it relates to the scale of the model. In my limited experience, most 3D printing could be equivalent to using a 72dpi $50 dot matrix printer; passable at 1/4" scale on an E size sheet, but not on a 1/16" scale letter size page, if that makes sense.
I just mentioned Shapeways.com on another post; they have great info on the minimum resolutions required, as well as a range of materials that support various resolutions. And a way to test your models with those different materials for free!
So i think the answer to your question is that while an exported model from VW will contain the exact details of that model (which would render perfectly in C4D or MAX), when using a 3D printer one will have to tailor the model to meet the constraints of the printer - i.e. the printer and scale of the model being used are the guidelines for creating a satisfactory print, not VW.
Hope that helps
I've used Shapeways.com a couple of times for this process. The one thing that was a bit of a challenge is the "minimum wall thickness" required be the printers. Shapeways has really good info on what's required for the model to work - as well as a way to upload models and see a preview of how the print will come out (and locate problem areas). The minimum thickness is largely based on which type of material used, which also defines the resolution of the print. I ended up having to make a copy of the actual project file and exaggerating the thickness of some components, but the output was fantastic! There is no charge for testing a model, and while this process sent me back to modify/rescale the model a few times it resulted in a final print that was what I wanted.
Best of luck!
Thanks Horst -
You are right, editing from the Resource Browser keeps it "straight" in the window - unfortunately I can't see the rest of the drawing/other symbols.
I worked around all this by using the Working Plane tool and creating planes for each rotated symbol.
FYI, this project was for a scenic design with 3 angled walls with roughly 30 picture frames on each - so seeing the other wall symbols was critical, as was being able to nudge the frames around.
Mike - thanks for the reply.
That button does help, but only in the top view. When I look at Front or Side views the symbol is still shown in it's rotated position.
I know I don't have my head wrapped around the Screen/Layer plane stuff yet, and I can work around this by un-rotating the symbol before editing. Is there a way to use the original plane/axis when viewing from front/side/etc?
I just recently started using 2011, coming from 2009. (I know, about time already)
I've come across a change since 2009 that I need help with.
When editing symbols in 2009, the symbol would appear onscreen in the orientation the symbol was saved in, regardless of what orientation the symbol is placed in the drawing.
In 2011 when I go to edit a symbol, it seems to keep it in the "placed" orientation (in both plan and 3D views) - which is making it difficult for me to edit the symbol. I see onscreen cues which seem to be indicating the plane the symbol was saved in, but I can't seem to orient the screen to that plane.
Is there a hidden preference I am missing? Is there a way to have the symbol appear in a "zeroed out" view when editing?
Many thanks in advance
I'm not running 2011 yet, but I do use C4D everyday. I've found that C4D import always coverts objects to meshes. When I get the out of memory error, I'll need to go to VW prefs/3D tab and lower the setting of the 3D conversion a notch. If you have a lot of curves this may help.
Sold - I'll buy it as soon as it's out. The sort order has been one of my pet peeves for years.
I also use the polyline tool, but I usually extrude the shape to something very thin. That way, double clicking on the resulting object will take me back to the original 2D polyline, which is useful for tweaking.
One option is to look at Steve Shelly's Field Templates - http://www.fieldtemplate.com - in addition to the excellent lighting symbols he has a folder of Drafting Elements that are quite helpful.
Also, widen your search to include dwg/autocad(blocks) format symbols. There's a huge amount of free stuff out there, and these can easily be imported and resaved as VW resources.
Good luck!
The lights point where the LD focuses them.
I am not a mac guy, but as michaelk mentioned VW12.5 is no longer supported under your OS. And looking at the Maxon site (http://www.maxon.net/downloads/updates-co/updates/plugins.html)
the update for VW12.5 only mentions OSX so that version may be incopmpatible as well with your 10.6.
Have you had it working before?
I'll second the iTunes/Quicktime route. I ran 11 on XP with no problems, but I do recall it did not like any other version of quicktime rather than the one it shipped with.
Unfortunately iTunes digs in pretty deep, so the regedit path is probably the safest way to go.
Once you have QT all clear, be sure to turn off automatic updates under quicktime's control panel window.
I have run into this as well, no rhyme or reason I can discern as to why it happens. I can select built in scales, but I cannot enter a custom. Usually exiting VW and reopening the drawing will fix it, but it is frustrating when it happens.
I had a look at the site, and I was completely impressed by the the new multilight tool. I seem to recall the rendering times were much longer than C4D's, but knowing what the lighting would do ahead of time could seriously off set that.
Mnemonically you are right, most of the hot keys do not seem to make sense. However, the keys are actually laid out that similar and frequent functions are in groups. Personally I've found it works really well with one hand on the keyboard and the the other on the mouse.
Search for message #98318 - user David L did a nice graphic layout of the default keys. Maybe the default layout will make more sense to you in this format.
Good luck and welcome on board!
I am a version behind you (C4D10.5) but in my version 2D data is not exported. Do you have 3D data in your VW project?
Not sure about the included version, but in the stand alone Videoscreen plugin, entering a dimension into the "Z" box in the OIP sets the distance to the bottom of the screen frame (i.e. if you have the screen frame set to 6", entering 4' in the Z box with give an image to floor dimension (skirt height) of 4'6".
I think either package will do - I personally favor C4D. But with either package there will be a fair amount of work in building you animation.
C4D has an Archtectural edition that comes with some camera plugins that may assist in what you are looking for.
You may want to have a look at FieldTemplates. There are a couple of nice ruler symbols included with that package.
Not a mac guy, but I might check the air vents are not clogged. VW runs "hot" on my PC laptops too, but if they seem abnormally hot or the fan stays on, that can be a sign of dust build up and time to pop the fan and pull out the canned air.
Folding Seating Bank
in Entertainment
Hi Jazz
i haven’t seen anything that’s a one step process/plugin for what it sounds like you are looking for.
However, there are certainly tools available to reach your goal.
For the riser decks, the Stage Deck tool could be used and duplicated. Drop in a deck, enter the width, depth and height for the front row. Duplicate and offset by the depth, change the height, rinse and repeat to the last row.
The Seating Layout tool does have a rise per row input value (i.e. raked per row). The Duplicate Array command also includes Z values per X or Y iteration.
The amount of work required has a lot to do with the real world layout of your venue (i.e. riser dimensions, rows per rise, seats per row, etc. basically tape measure time). Not a one step process but the tools exist to make this a relatively straight forward project.
If there are any more specifics you can offer up as each challenge has its best approach.