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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by JuanCarlos

  1. For the dislocated objects, attach the Ifc entity before you group them, if you have multiple objects with different Ifc entities use from the AEC dropdown menu "IFC Zones, Systems and Groups..." to create any of these.

    As for the windows, the window is there, the frame cuts the wall the glass doesn't, reinserting it and flipping it some times fixes it, I will write a bug for it.


    Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 12.37.17 PM.png

  2. I totally understand, I also like to draw things one time and expect them to be graphically correct in all my plans, here is my work flow;
    1.) For all objects make all attributes “By Class” 
    2.) There is no rule that says Stack Viewports Not Allowed.

    Viewport possibilities: for Layers; On/Off/Grayed, alter staking order, for Classes; On/Off/Grayed, Override Class attributes (this will only be possible if you comply with rule #1.)
    Some times there are several objects with the same class in different layers and there is a graphical need for some of them that are in a different layer to be represented differently, Divide and Conquer, you can stack viewports (rule #2), yes there will be some initial setup, however it will payoff when you modify things.

    Sample bellow: a simple roof that traverses two floors, all objects have only been drawn once.

    1st floor has a stack VP for the 2nd Slab with a class override

    2nd floor has stack Vp's for the roofs with class overrides 

    Roof has Layer stacking order and class overrides





    2Dto3D (original).jpg

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  3. A referenced DLVP is a container just like a Symbol, currently Vw does not have Styled Symbols and a direct connexion like the one you described is not possible, however if your interest is just a graphical appearance here is one way of doing it;

    1.) Have the Unit join all the walls to the exterior and party walls as you would like to see them

    2.) Select all the interior walls > Group > Convert to Symbol. 

    3.) Use Symbol for the units, if used in front of exterior walls the unit internal wall will appear to be cutting the exterior walls.

    Hope this helps


  4. Currently the best way to approach the issue is to have a wall style with all the components you normally use or are common to your area saved to your office standard folder (All Components WS), then any time you need a new wall style you can duplicate the All Components wall style and delete the unused components since it is easier to delete a component than to create a component.

    Hope this helps!


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  5. Will

    Go to File>Export>Export IFC Project... From the dialog box select Data>Export Options and then select "COBie/Facilities Management" from the Model View: dropdown menu. Don't forget to do the Layer Mapping before you select OK.

    You will have then an Ifc file, if you want to see this file in spread sheet form you would have to install the COBie Tool Kit.

    Hope this helps ;)

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