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  1. Sorted - survey is scale in metres and I'm working in mm...............Doh!
  2. Hello. I've imported a dwg file into VW - existing building survey. I've then copied the floor plans into a new file, planning stage so I can start design work in VW from the .dwg survey drawings. I've started setting up each floor plan onto its own design layer. 00 - Floor Layout (Ground Floor) 01 - Floor Layout (First Floor) 02 (second Floor etc) - UK naming protocol. So far so god. The problem I have is that the design layer is set to 1:50 but leaders / dimensions etc are scaling / viewing incorrectly and look huge in the drawing. My guess is those drawing elements are scaling 50x bigger. Help to get everything scaling the same would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Jon
  3. I've just duplicated a floor plan Design Layer (using the context menu in the navigation pane) and the door and window reveal lines have disappeared on the duplicate. I deleted then duplicate and created the layer from 'new' in the layer pull down menu from the toolbar as a work around, copied and pasted the floor plan into the new layer and the same thing happened. Thoughts welcome.
  4. Thanks Tom and Matt I guess the obvious solution for me is to create some standard BIM objects for door styles I use the most and bypass VW standard BIM. Cheers for now Jon
  5. Thank you Tom, that's really helpful and solved the problem. I'd never have got to that on my own. I'd navigated to the PIO and found the object but couldn't find the parameter. having to go through the resource manager then context click the door object from there to alter this aspect of the door parameters for something that's really fundamental seems really awkward. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond Cheers Jon
  6. Okay I found a work around : convert the door to 'un styled' and the insert option becomes live. The question still stands though. Any observations on why a 'styled' door can't be placed easily? There'll be an obscure setting somewhere right?
  7. Hi all, this is driving me slightly insane. Inserting double doors into a wall and the 'insert' menu option is greyed out so I can't control the door position in the wall. Works fine on single leaf doors. I'm using VW standard BIM object. Any advice very gratefully received. (Running VW 2024)
  8. Thank you Tom, all fixed. The reason you're not seeing the same thing is that the render setting on the test file is 'Shaded' rather than 'Render Style White Model' - that one's on me for swapping those settings, user error. Apologies for the confusion. I figured it had to be a simple setting, but hadn't put 2 and 2 together re 'Fill'. I really appreciate everyone's time on this one. Problem solved. Cheers Jon
  9. Demo file attached. I've been using VW for a few years, but only started using BIM in the last few weeks and self taught, so apologies in advance for any basic errors! VW Test.vwx
  10. Thank you for the deeper dive Zoomer. I have turned all classes on as suggested, but still the same outcome. No rendered frames. The windows were created on the >35-M-Window< class, or swapped across to it when I was maybe a bit sloppy with my drafting. I'll look at defining a style and see if that makes a difference.
  11. Hi Tom, attached is a screen shot of the settings. This is gonna be a newbie question - how do I know if the class is turned on? I've isolated 'window' in classes and there doesn't seem to be a corresponding class. Jon P
  12. Hello, I'm sure this is a simple one, but I can't find the setting. The window frames on this model won't render, they get hidden. The glass pane renders, but the frame just isn't there. Any help and advice gratefully received.
  13. Thanks Jesse - yes, it really was something so basic! I really appreciate the assist. Cheers Jon
  14. Hey Justin - for a second that gave me hope that it was the 'simple thing' - thank you again, but still no joy. I did wonder if it was that I'm not logged into Vectorworks, but I am, I don't think the software can be used without logging in - auto process on start up?
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