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Everything posted by matteoluigi

  1. during the design process walls, slabs, roofs not always keep the same thickness. Instead sometimes there can happen some changes. However, you often still keep the same wall/slab/roof-styles to design the building, you just modify the thickness of the bearing wall component, of the outer insulation,... However it's always necessary to note the total thickness or the thickness of some components in the style name, so everybody in the design-team can find the wished style easily. The problem is, that you have to fill in the changed thickness always more than one time. This can also cause some mistakes. The best solution would be, enabling the resource browser to show the total wall thickness and all component sizes as well. So, somebody also for example could change the order of the displayed walls by their specific size.
  2. Hi, stories now exist since Vectorworks 2012. The system has been improved successively and got much better. However, the setup-interface is as complicated and wooden as in the beginning. That's one of the points which revit did solve in a way more intuitive and simple way, just, the vectorworks-way, I would say. In Revit every Section view of a building model, which does contain storeys (and, in fact nearly every model does) contains also elevation markers. Every elevation marker represents one story level. You can create them by clicking, move them graphically and arrange them, just by drag and drop. In Vectorworks I am sitting in front of the organization window and I often need to use the calculator, just to modify some storey levels. Why so complicated? Thanks for your attention
  3. Hi there, The new advanced Data Manager in Vectorworks 2020 offers better and more advanced possibilities to control ifc-psets directly with the info-palette window on Vectorworks and gives the user the possibility to manage the project in a direct and individual way. One of our ideas for example is, to control some psets directly with the object-stylename. We want to organize a style name in more parts. 1) (WA=Wall, ST=Stütze=Column,...) 2) A=Aussen(outside); I=Innen(inside) 3) TR=Tragend(load bearing - yes); NTR=nichttragend(load bearing - no) .... 2) if([Style.Name]='WA*','TRUE','FALSE') - doesn't work if([Style.Name]<'WA-I','TRUE','FALSE') does work 3) if([Style.Name]='*TR*','TRUE','FALSE') doesn't work if([Style.Name]<'WA-A-TR','FALSE',if([Style.Name]<'WA-I-TR')&([Style.Name]>'WA-A-TR-Z-999'),'FALSE','TRUE') does work My question: Why doesn't any of those wildcards ( * ) work? Is there an alternative function, which allows me to get every wallstyle-name which contains a specific part of a predefined name? (like described in option 2) or 3)?
  4. sure 🙂 if I could do sth like this with an automated procedure, that would be great...
  5. that's an option, of course, however it does imply a lot of handwork, and the less "handwork" I have to do, the more I prevent doing mistakes, and spending time 😉 it's a job to me, which could be done automated more quickly and efficiently
  6. We actually are reworking on our class-organization in the office. There are a few ways to batch-rename more than one class in Vectorworks, for example by using an excel-generated tab-stop separated worksheet/text-file... However, every way I try does not solve an important issue: Renaming different classes into the same class-name unfortunately doesn't work. However, simplyfieing our class structure is one of the main goals of this task. So, does anyone have an idea how to accomplish this job most efficiently and easily? For example a script, which deletes all classes with the appendix *-2, *-3, *-4... and moves the class-content to the * called class... could be an idea, somehow. However I'm not sure if it really works... thanks a lot!
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