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  1. Hi, I have an empty file where I've imported a DWG file, after importing it I rename all symbols and convert the object attributes. But some of the symbols are not being shown with the correct color, they are being shown with pen style black instead of the correct color. Actually if I select the symbol the attributes window shows the correct color the symbol supposed to have even though it's still black. Right now I'm going symbol by symbol opening them and changing the color manually, but I have dozens of different symbols with this problem. Does anyone know why is this happening? Is there a parameter of the import DWG tool I can possibly be setting wrong? Or is there an easier way to change the colors of all different symbols at once?
  2. Nevermind, I got the wrong handle in the function RField = vs.GetRField(hpio, recname, fld) Thank you for the support!
  3. Thanks for the suggestions 🙂 . I noticed that in my example the type of the field was incorrect, it is actually just a text (not editable tho). But now that I have the data field name I need its value. Like in my exemple, save the text "T.0025.02" into a variable. I tried the code below but it returns me 0 rather then the text. Can someone help me save the inputs in variables? hpio = vs.FSActLayer() hrecdef = vs.GetParametricRecord(hpio) recname = vs.GetName(hrecdef) # Name of PIO in InfoPalette hrec = vs.GetObject(recname) fld = vs.GetFldName(hrec, 😎 RField = vs.GetRField(hrec, recname, fld) vs.AlrtDialog(RField)
  4. Hello, I'm new to the Vectorworks scripts world, so some of terms that I use may be incorrect, or this problem has already been explained in other topics (if that is the case, I couldn't find sorry 😓) My problem is: I have a PIO that I want to retrieve its widgets information. This PIO was created by the company I work at, so I don't have any access to its code or information about it besides what is shown in the UI. For example, one of the widgets is called "Address" that has a static text "T.0025.02". I need to save this static text into a variable to use it later on my code. As far as I understood, I need to use the function GetCustomObjectInfo(), but I couldn't understand how it works.
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