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  1. abshapi


    Hey @jravs, I'm a Entertainment Project Manager in Arizona. I currently serve as a Technical Director for a large scale university. Previously I've worked for AV companies, event decor companies and other large scale theatrical venues both in Vectorworks and AutoCAD. What you describe is just another day for me. Feel free to shoot me an email at allenshapiro@gmail.com. I'd be happy to discuss the possibilities with you. Thanks! Allen Shapiro
  2. @C. Andrew Dunning great points and inherently I can see this is why it is the way it is. But as a user; I care about the program being efficient and easy so the drawings I create can get to my client quickly and cleanly. Consistency in the programs design is key and as a user, I can see which developer worked on which tool.....it should not be that way. The functionality of each tool, for the most part, is great; I just want the user interface to be more logical in its design.
  3. I've spent some time during this isolation period to learn new things about Vectorworks and refine some of the skills I already have. I must say, the program is incredibly inconsistent and not necessarily intuitive. Whether you're working in Architect or Spotlight....or even different tools within a fundamentals tool set, it is hard to understand the best practices for using a tool because it is different with every tool. For example, using the projection screen tool vs. using the speaker array tool. One has you edit its properties within the Object info pane, the other has you open a whole separate window to edit is properties. Speaking of Speaker Array; I cannot use a predefined symbol as apart of the array, I have to use a generic symbol. I can work around this by inserting a speaker into the generic speaker folder but that is not intuitive or easy. This is a completely different process compared to adding a lighting instrument into a drawing. Finally, advanced tasks throughout the program are not intuitive. A lighting pipe tool by default is not a hanging position? Adjusting the individual objects cut plane on a horizontal section yields results that don't necessarily make sense (and things seem to be buggy depending on your file size?). My suggestion would be for Vectorworks to spend a year or two focusing on just cleaning up everything, making every tool more intuitive and ensure consistency between every aspect of the program.
  4. That's it. Just had the objects created on Screen Plane by accident. Thanks!
  5. I have a file of my venue that I've been working with. When doing a 3D flyover of the drawing, everything on one layer, whether 2D or 3D, will rotate around just like the 3D objects. However, everything on other layers, only the 3D objects will rotate around. The 2D objects will stay or if they're on a non-active layer, they will just disappear. How do I make it so those 2D objects will rotate around as well.
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