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Everything posted by ldeikis

  1. Scott that's quite helpful, and provided a good example to build a distributor label worksheet that works for me. What I'm still struggling to achieve, though, is generate a worksheet that understands what each end of a data cable is connected to. I believe they're correctly associating with the distributor objects, as if I drag the distributor the cables follow and adjust length etc automatically... but I can't find where VW is acknowledging the start/end nodes so that I can try to reference it in the worksheets. In the OID for a drawn data cable, START and END aren't fillable boxes, which suggests that they're calculated based on the distributor objects' parameters... but nothing I enter in the distributor objects' own OID seems to transfer there or show up in a worksheet. Do you have any idea what I'm overlooking? Thanks
  2. I'm back into VW after a several year hiatus--the cable tool has changed a ton from a rogue plugin to... something. Anyway, I'm simply trying to get a report of my cable runs, listing starting device, ending device, and length of run (ideally both drawn length and parts). I need this in order to generate cable labels. I'd also love a worksheet of my distributor devices with the attributes of their records, too. I'm quite sure it's simple but I'll be darned if it isn't confounding me. Does anyone have any bright tips? I'm nearly to the point of opening a spreadsheet and making such a thing manually from my cable lables, but that's so anathema to what VW is supposed to be about. Thank you. Luke
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