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Everything posted by Shparenkov

  1. Hi all, I tried to look into the topics here and there but what I’m trying to achieve here is to get this tool work. So basically I am designing whole new library of trusses from scratch, which is not existing. It has different sizes, 690x690, 1345x690, 1800x700. So I succeeded with that task, and as main purpose of those trusses is mother-grid, or pre-rig systems my next task is to design custom slings. And that is not for hoist pickups, but for top part of it, which in Vectorworks becomes deadhang, or a part of bridle. I need that to precisely know how much clearance I would have below my mothergrid truss with sling, as that will subtract my effective working height. So I managed to create my custom sling part, added it to the default libraries, attached records, all good from this part. What is not working as designed - there is always a gap between hoist upper hook and bottom part of the bridle. Whatever I will do - there is a gap. How do I eliminate that gap? Screen Recording 2024-06-28 at 5.17.21 PM.mov On screenshot and video on the left freshly inserted connection between two trusses. It comes precisely from middle of the truss on top to the locus of the hook. In the middle and on the right I checked show 3D parts and changed parts to my sling and shakel - and now there is a gaps between lowest part and hook. Why is a hoist not adjust its hook to meet last part of the bridle?
  2. Does anyone has unresponsive at all top menu bar? Screen Recording 2021-09-18 at 13.11.59.mov
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