I've been using VW since it was MiniCAD 4+ and this is the most buggy version yet. Current issues (I had to revert to VW 2018 to ensure the integrity of my project files):
Tiles used in annotation layer of Sheet Layer Viewports disappeared (upon update to VW 2019); had to manually select each tiled polygon and change setting to "use layer mapping" in order to see the tile. It appeared when zooming in and out, but not during static views.
Symbols with nested classes (I do healthcare design where many of the symbols that I place have various classes (eg equipment, power, plumbing, etc) to show aspects of the symbol depending on sheet (Equipment Plan, Power Plan, Plumbing Plan, etc). This is BROKEN in VW 2019 (but essential to maintain the integrity of my existing project files).
In Section Viewports (on Sheet Layers) the "merge cross sections" is BROKEN and my foundation layer is not showing as the poched class per the Section VP settings.
If VW wanted me to be a Beta Tester, they should have asked. If you have projects that were started in VW 2018 (or before), I would suggest that you do NOT upgrade until VW has worked out the kinks. For me, there is too much liability and fee at risk when an update either removes or corrupts the information that a diligent design professional has carefully crafted in his/her Construction Documents. THIS VERSION CANNOT BE TRUSTED in it's current form. Upgrade at your own risk (I'm waiting for first service pack). Sad.