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CC Cooperstock

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    United States
  1. Hello- I just changed out some truss from 10' to 8' and now the lights are under the truss so I can no longer see the channel numbers, addressing or cabling information. How do I get the lights symbols to be on top of the truss?
  2. Thanks Jim! I did not know about the different modes and tried selecting one and found the right one.
  3. I can select it and I get handles but then I can not drag them anywhere.
  4. Hello- I an on VW2 2017 Spotlight. I can no longer make the 'Reshape" tool work. I am trying to use it for resizing multi-cables. I thought maybe there was an issue with the drawing so I restarted and drew a cable to try to resize it. Same problem. So I drew a polygon and tried it on that and still no go. Thoughts?
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