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Everything posted by rkt25

  1. That separated it into one blank page and a bitmap image of the outline. Sadly no vector under there though.
  2. This is what I'm seeing. Also, when I paste the object, a text box appears which I haven't seen before
  3. This is probably a fairly simple question and its driving me absolutely mad. I was using the 2013 version at work and we recently upgraded to 2017. In the old version, when I copied an outlined object from Adobe Illustrator and pasted it into Vectorworks, all I had to do was check the 'Close" box on the righthand side and then I could manipulate it as though I created it in VW (extrude, bevel, etc). Now in 2017, I can't fide this 'close' box to save my life. I had only been using VW for about a year before upgrading, so I don't know the ins and outs. Is it hiding somewhere? It is not an option anymore? Please help! Thanks
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