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Posts posted by domer1322

  1. need some help .... I have a file that doesn't refer to default files.  Specifically, when I open a plug in object for a door, then select hardware, then try to apply a hardware set, the normal options are grayed or empty, and there is no reference path to the default file for door hardware .... nor is there any option to pick the default file.  This only happens on this file, so the other files on my computer refer to the default hardware file just fine.  How can I fix this ?

  2. thanks for the response, but it didn't make any difference.  The lines show up on the design layer, but the image I sent was from a sheet layer viewport.  IN both cases, changing the 'print grid/ show grid' boxes didn't matter.  The lines do not show up in Renderworks (fast nor final) and they don't show up in hidden line rendering.  They show up in OpenGL if I render with colors or textures, or without.  Setting the OpenGL setting to low detail (or high detail) makes no difference.  I don't have the guide class or 'non print' class on.


    Anyone have another idea ?    .....    or can anyone else tell me if they noticed this ... or am I the only one having this issue ?

  3. can anyone explain why I frequently get the tiny white lines in my OpenGL renderings as shown on the attached image ?    I put purple boxes around them.  At first I thought maybe they were layer page boundaries, but realized they are a grid, not a rectangle.   They also show up on printed paper, but they are so thin they they are not a critical problem.   

    white lines.tiff

  4. thanks for the insight, Pat.   I am retired and only use VW for charity projects, and I can see into the future that I will have to buy a newer computer for internet compatibility.   (Right now it looks like I can't file my income taxes electronically because I don't meet the IRS system and browser requirements.)   When I buy it, then my VW 2015 will no longer run on the new one.   So .... the comment you made about buying a used version of VW might be useful to me in the future.   Again ... thanks  .....

  5. I see the vow compatibility chart shows vw2015 is not compatible with MacOS High Sierra.  Is there any way to know the amount of incompatibility ?   That is ….. what won’t work?     Will it boot up ?    Will it run correctly except some feature or tool won’t work ?    If someone could tell me if it “mostly works” that would be useful.    

  6. Thanks for your replies.  Perhaps you’ve confirmed something I already suspected: there is no magic way to do this.  In my model, I often generated my own textures for the various carpets, wall coverings, and tiles and I guess they will be lost upon conversion. Although I thought of the following solution as a joke, perhaps this is my best option:   Keep my vw2015 running on my 2016 version iMac, and when I get to the pearly gates in 2045 I’ll give the iMac and 30 year old MacOS XX to who ever wants it before the building is demolished.      

  7. I ask for advice on this issue:  I'm retired, and over the last decade or more I have been drawing (from scratch - no construction drawings available) my existing Parish church building.  It is fully 3D, with textures, and I can generate reasonable interior perspectives as well as exterior views. I have about 30 sheets that could be considered construction drawings (that I drew and measured myself).  I've even drawn a considerable amount of custom church furniture.  I also marked utility locations on a DTM as they became known.


    I used VW 2015 and the file is over 375 Mb.  I realize I'm not going to live forever, and I want to save this information for others to use in the future.  There are other architects in my Parish, but they all use Revit.  I can not translate VW 2015 into Revit.   Currently, I pass the information along to others using pdf image exports.  My model uses very little record data for equipment or lighting, nor much detailed door/window information beyond the basic OIP data fields.  Almost nothing uses IFC data fields. I'm sure all my class and layer names are not standard.


    Now here is my question for your advice:    What technique or software can I use to save as much as the 3D model information as possible ?    ... for as long as possible ?  


    Should I try to find someone to translate my VW 2015 file into VW 2022 and then into Revit or Sketchup or some more common program ?   Will I lose a lot of information ?  I have almost no experience trying to translate VW files into something else.


    I attached a couple images to give you some idea of the size of the building. 

    Worship space persp 5 altar corpus.pdf Renovation Exterior Persp.pdf

  8. can anyone help with this issue:     I have multiple objects, lines, symbols, etc on one layer and I have many of the identical objects on another layer.  However the same objects/lines/symbols are not on both layers.  Is there a way to merge the two layers into one layer and make sure that all the objects/lines/symbols are present, but that none of them are duplicated ?

  9. I have a plan where I want to keep the space labels on a design layer in a "north orientation".  I also want to show that design layer in a viewport that is rotated to an "easterly orientation" so that I can fit it on page in the best way.  The result is as shown on the attachment .... the space names in the viewport are all rotated to be read from the right side of the page, but I'd like the viewport to read them from the bottom of the page.   Is there a way to rotate the space label names in the viewport without rotating them in the design layer ?   Is there a different way to achieve this ?


    I've found that the space label OIP allows the labels to be rotated on the design layer, but this won't achieve my objective of having it be one orientation on the design layer but a different orientation on a sheet layer viewport.  Is this possible?

    space name.tiff

  10. Benson 

    Thanks for all the suggestions.  Here are the results:


    1) does not work.  The DTM and the site modifier do not respond to the "extract surface" tool

    2) I could not get it to work.  When editing the texture, there is no way to rotate it by a few degrees.  I can not rotate the texture until it is applied to an object in the OIP.

    3) works ... but .... only if the slab is planar.  Can not work for a hardscape that follows the grades.

    4) does not work.  The new shapes now have the same problem.

    5) Success !      However .... what if I'm only applying one texture bed and it happens to be out of whack?   I don't want to keep adding texture beds in different shapes until one comes out correctly.


    Your response is much appreciated, however, because it proved to me that this is not simply due to my lack of knowledge.  It seems that VW simply does not allow for an easy way to change the rotation of textures on a texture bed site modifier.

  11. As shown in the attached file, when I apply a rectilinear texture to a hardscape site modifier, the lines appear on a diagonal, instead of aligning with the other textures.   I tried to rotate the texture using the attribute mapping tool, but like the dialog box states ... it won't work.   The OIP does not have the field for rotating textures on a site modifier.   So .....   How can I rotate the texture to match the same texture pattern on other hardscape ?


    PS: I'm using VW 2015  ... so if that version won't do it, please don't write about more recent version solutions.

    VW texture test.tiff

  12. How can I find a list or a reference to find an architect or home designer who uses VEctorworks in my local area?  Specifically I need someone in the Virginia Tidewater area —— Norfolk,  Virginia Beach, Chesapeake area.  I’m looking for a person or firm that can do a. Medium-high end residential project of about 5,000 sf.

  13. Can someone enlighten me on this problem ....   I may put several light fixtures and recessed can lights in a space.  When using OpenGL some of the lights do not seem to be "on" ... that is, they don't cast shadows nor emit light.  However, without hitting any other keystroke, a mere change to Fast Quality Renderworks instantly makes all the lights visible.    I can't figure out why some of the lights render correctly in OpenGL and others do not.  There doesn't seem to be any difference in the light objects.   So ... is there some sort of setting in OpenGL that I'm missing ?   Is there something in the light object ?   I'm puzzled.   (I'm also using VW2015, but I suspect this doesn't matter between versions.)

  14. OOPS .... never mind.  I discovered my checking of the component settings wasn't too good.  I was puzzled for 30 minutes, then posted.  Of course, as soon as I posted and returned to the issue I discovered the faulty settings.  However, I still wonder if it is possible to change the component heights by clicking and dragging.  Any thoughts?

  15. I ask for help  ..... I have a styled wall using stories, and I extended the wall using "fit walls to objects" to match the roof.  The outer component (blue siding) extended as expected to the roof, but the other components (sheathing, core, gyp bd) did not.   I checked the settings in the wall style components, and they all seem to be the same.  Can anyone show me what I'm doing wrong ?     Also ... is it possible to adjust the height of the components of a wall by clicking and draging on the wall vertex in edit mode ?  (I can't figure it out.)  

    wall height.jpg

  16. Dinosaur question ....

    I  may try to update my current iMac OS Yosemite (10.10) without updated VW.  I have VW 2015 and I found two different sources of compatibility information for VW.  One source says VW 2015 can run up to Mac OS El Capitan (10.11) and the other says it can run up to Sierra (10.12).   Can someone (who knows) confirm which source is correct ?   I attached screen shots of both sources, and they both seem to come from Nemetschek 'official' sources.  


    Also:  i found a thread on this forum that detailed lots of issues with OS El Capitan when it first came out, but it also seems to indicate updates to both OS 10.11 and to VW 2015 fixed the issues.  Can anyone confirm if these things work well together ?

    VW compatibility with Mac OS.tiff VW compatibility w Mac OS.tiff

  17. Art V:  I'll check out the other file formats in the future.  Right now, I ended up downloading dwg files in elevation and found it was fairly easy to trace them and build my own appliances.  Interestingly, when I went back to the website to download some more files, I found that many appliance models have a link to download files, but they don't tell you which file format.  From experience. it seems they are mostly dwg.   Oddly, I also discovered that GE website has downloaded files for some of their products, but not all.  For several refrigerators, I clicked on "download CAD files" and get a blank screen.  I guess it is random.  Here is the weblink:   https://www.geappliances.com/appliance/GE-Profile-27-9-Cu-Ft-Smart-Fingerprint-Resistant-4-Door-French-Door-Refrigerator-with-Door-In-Door-PVD28BYNFS   

  18. thanks for the reply ... you confirmed what I had expected to be true ....  there is still no good way to import these 'non-vectorworks' files.    I trace them occasionally, but was hoping there was a better way.      As for upgrading VW  .... I'm retired, so using VW is not much more than a hobby.  I'm trying to see how long I can keep my current iMac that works with VW 2015 quite well.  Since I have to keep the current Mac OS (10.10.1) to operate with VW, I can't upgrade the internet browsers, so eventually I'll have a "non-internet" computer and I'll have to figure out if an upgraded VW is worth it.  


    again .. thanks.

  19. I'm sure someone has figured this out (but not me).  How can I import a 3D symbol like a microwave from the General Electric website ?  When I import the dwg 3D block, it comes out to be a mesh that can be broken into 3D polygons, but I can't figure out how to transform all the thousands of 3D polygons into an object that VW uses like extrudes, Generic solid, or other simple forms.  I want to do this so that I can apply the correct textures.  I attached an example import, as well as a screen shot showing the many many many polygons that make up the object.   I've fiddled with all the dwg import controls, to no avail.  (I'm using VW 2015,   ..... so therefore I wonder .... is this still a problem with VW2020  ? )


    Alternatively ... does anyone know a good site for obtaining VW models of appliances, furniture, etc  ...  ?  (Desire manufacturer exact models.)

    Microwave.tiff test microwave import.vwx

  20. is it possible to use the VW wall styles to represent a wall that has different materials on the lower portion of the wall than on the upper portion ?  That is ... what if my wall has a CMU veneer on the bottom 3 feet, and then uses regular clay masonry for a veneer above the CMU.   It seems to me that the VW wall components are not allowed to "stack" on top of each other and must be in different vertical planes.   I attached a sketch of a vertical section.


    If it is possible, please tell me how.   I know I can draw 2 separate walls for the veneers, but this very cumbersome, especially when trying to insert a window or door.


    My goal is simply to be able to represent the wall correctly in both 2D and 3D views.  I'm not concerned about the proper height for the cut plane for a floor plan.




  21. jblock ....   I sent you a message and repeat the main part here ......  I was very surprised to find from another test that VW2015 now DOES ACTIVATE on my old laptop using Mac OS 10.10.5.    If anyone reading this cares, I now retract my earlier disparaging post about the lifetime of VW products.   I don't know what happened, but for a couple years it definitely did not activate, and I now have no idea why it activates now .... but I'm happy.

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