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Posts posted by domer1322
When I start up VW, I often get a dialog box that says "unable to load Vision library". I always dismiss it and go about my business. How do I eliminate this annoyance ? (and what is in the Vision Library ? am I missing something ? ... does that come only with Spotlight ? )
I've been involved in this sort of issue ..... here is my two cents ..... pick 3 .... just rotate the north arrow. If your contractor gets confused by a simple north arrow adjustment, you should get a different contractor.
can't you just assign them to a unique class, then turn the class off ?
I gave it a shot, but couldn't figure out the problem. This is not occurring for me on VW 2024. Are the stairs on different design layers and/or stories ? I assume you noticed the problem is not just the stairs, but the walls and elevator too. Did you make the whole assembly into a symbol, or are only the stairs a symbol ?
I'm ready to pull the trigger on buying a Mac mini M4 with Mac OS 15 Sequoia. Can anyone report if there are any compatibility problems with the Mac mini M4 or Mac OS Sequoia and VW 2024 (I have not updated to VW 2025) ?
I can't figure out this simple question .... how do you manipulate the interior wall surfaces of a roof dormer ? In the attachment you'll see the exterior walls have gray vinyl siding, but so does the interior wall surface. How do I change the texture on the interior dormer wall without changing the exterior wall texture ?
thanks in advance for help ...
OK ... thanks Pat ... your first two comments address my concerns very well. ... you are preceptive ... I am frugal and I intend to use this next computer (and VW 2024) until the end of my drawing days.
thanks, Pat ... I reviewed all the hardware recommendations, but perhaps I'm asking for a document that doesn't exist. I understand previous CPUs or graphic cards might have more cores than VW could use. I suppose my basic question is this: Can I be sure that if I pay more money for more cores, more memory, and more power, will those features all ensure that I will get more added benefit when using VW/RW 2024 ? (especially for speedy rendering)
I may buy a new Mac Mini M4 for use with VW 2024. Can anyone steer me toward an official VW document that describes the compatibility and benefits of using VW with various configurations of the Mac Mini (or the iMac) ?
Specifically, I understand the value of more computing cores or more memory, but I don't understand if VW 2024 can take advantage of more cores (or more memory). I don't understand if VW uses "efficiency cores" or if that makes a difference. I also see comments about 'Ray Tracing' in the M3 or M4, but can't even figure out if VW or RW uses Ray Tracing. Also, I have 14 yr old, (but nicely large), monitors and wonder if there is any issue with continuing to use them with the new Macs and VW.
In short, I'm just looking for some definitive guidance on these hardware features, and searching for understanding if VW uses these features, or if I would just be wasting money to pay for more 'cores' that VW doesn't even use. (I will never upgrade my 2024 VW perpetual license ..... I'm old, and I'm thinking this will be my last computer purchase to use VW).
Thanks in advance for any advice / information.
is this a dumb question ? .... Why can't I just copy the current version (2024) and all it's libraries to a new computer and use it without an installer? Isn't that possible ? I'm planning on doing that after the new Mac mini is shipping.
I recently asked the question about the line you marked in red, but I can't find the reference link. So ... here is the easy answer: that line is not controlled by the "show wall lines" checkbox. Look in the OIP settings for your window (or door) and go to the 'classes' section. Then find the class for 'header' and set the header to a class which you can turn off or make a new class. Then return to your top/plan view and turn off the header class. Done.
Zoomer and Juan:
just thought I'd let you know someone is reading this thread and cares about it. I am considering buying a Mac Mini when they come out with the M4 version (with the new MacOS) and it is highly dependent upon making sure the latest MacOS works with VW 2024, since my VW perpetual license will never be updated (never liked VW going to the subscription model ... but my CAD days are numbered in retirement)
Is it correct for me to assume the VW 2024 compatibility is dependent upon the new OS 15 and not dependent upon the M4 chip ?
Please keep us all updated as you continue to test VW 2024 and OS 15.
Tom W: you are right and solved the problem. Thanks for the insight ... and thanks to all on the board who responded.
I'm pretty sure this problem is just operator error .... but it is still frustrating for me.
I initially noticed it on a different file using VW 2021 and an Intel i7 iMac (2012) but the same problem exists on a brand new file using VW 2024 sp5 on a MacBook Air M1 MacOS 12.13.1.
So here is a sample file from VW 2024 ... it can't get much more 'clean' than this. The attached file is just a brand new document from the "architect - imp" template. All I did was open the template, draw a wall, insert a door PIO and save the file. There is no 'ceiling' class. I did not manipulate any door setting. I tried the "show 2D walls" check box, with no affect.
I figure this must be due to some "Vectorworks" app setting, but I sure can't figure which one.
Thanks (to anyone) who can figure this out.
tried it many time without success. This was initially from a VW 2021 file, but I tried opening a brand new Architect template in VW 2024. Same result ... there is no 'ceiling-main' class in the new file and checking 'show 2D walls' has no affect.
I'm ashamed to ask this ... but .... how do I get rid of the lines highlighted in blue on the attached file? They appear to be door thresholds but do not respond to the threshold setting. I thought at one time they had something to do with reflected ceiling plans, but I'm baffled by this simplest of questions.
Help (please don't snicker).
can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Look at the attachment to see a simple steel joist and the settings I've used. It renders (in OpenGL and RW) with a solid web instead of just showing the members ... almost as if it is a combination of the open web joist and a solid steel beam.
Since you already have a small toilet area for guests, I'd change the access to the other bath such that it serves only the bedroom. In other words, access the bedroom right off the living room and move the bath and closet down. That eliminates the hallway, so you can either have a larger bedroom, or reduce the overall total area. I would also add some space between counters in the kitchen ... looks very tight to me.
However ... Gadzooks gave the best advice ... if your spouse is already happy with it, don't change anything. Spouses are usually the most difficult clients ... after ourselves. I'm living in the home addition I designed and I made the simplest mistake in locating the light switch. Now it bothers me every time I enter the master bathroom.
PS: through the marvels of modern technology, I can find your site on Google Maps. Looks like a great setting.
Pat: thanks for the reply.
Any thoughts from Nemetschek tech staff ?
Since this is all about the future, and no one knows for sure, I ask for opinions .... is it likely that VW 2024 will function correctly on a future Apple M4 chip running whatever OS happens to come with it ?
In my case, as a retired VW user who has a perpetual license of VW 2024 and it is the last version I'll ever have before I'm dead, I'm wondering if I should wait for the next Mac Mini with an M4 chip, or should I replace my late 2012 iMac right now. That is, if VW 2024 won't work on the next Mac OS with an M4 chip, there is no reason to wait and see.
So ... any prognosticators out there ?
yes ... I was editing inside a symbol ..... and this problem has always been sporadic, so I'll look in the future to see if it always pops up when editing inside a symbol.
Can you tell me how to fix this .... it often happens when I edit a texture or make a new one, that the preview window in the Resource Manger does not display the texture, but instead it shows a gray gradient. Look at this screenshot, and you'll see the texture "Wood RPM Kitchen cabinets" has a colored texture but it shows as a gradient in the Resource Manager. You can also see another "Arroway" texture has the same issue. How do I fix this ?
Thanks (in advance for the help).
well ..... this terminology change gets my attention When I bought my perpetual license one year ago, I also bought service select which will expire in a couple weeks. I was very careful to get confirmation via email and verbally from the sales staff that my license would allow me to get VW2024 before my service select expired. They said that I would be entitled to get service packs as they were issued for VW2024 during the following year before VW2025 comes out. I would not be entitled to 'Updates' since last year the term 'Update' meant a new version ... that is ... version VW2025. Now this thread tells me that they define an 'Update' as the same as a service pack. Thus, I might not be entitled to service packs this year because they are now called an 'Update'. I'm hoping someone can tell me that I will still be able to update my VW2024 with all service packs that occur before VW2025 is published, even though my service select expires in December 2023.
Is it possible to use the VW roof tool to make the roof shown on this attachment ? Here's the catch ... I know I can make this out of two separate roofs, but I want one that will be the same roof object so I can send it to the framing tool and show all the rafters/ridges/valleys. I'm not concerned about the skylights or the dormer by the front door. I'm asking the forum experts if the roof tool can model the two perpendicular roofs as one piece, as well as .... can the roof tool model the location where the higher roof overhangs the lower roof. I'm likely going to do this piece-meal but I seek any tips or advice on using the roof tool for this.
Vision Library error
in General Discussion
Thanks E/FA ... I thought this was a great idea, until I tried it. When using VW 2024 on my new Mac Mini with MacOS Sequoia, I looked for the VW files under the application support folder, but I found they doesn't exist. There are other support files for other programs, but not VW. So I went back to my old iMac late 2012 with MacOS High Sierra using VW 2021 and found the VW files in exactly the place you described. My old iMac does not have this problem with the "Error Loading Vision Library"
Any thoughts ? Anyone ?