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ruud van de meent

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Posts posted by ruud van de meent

  1. Every time I try to go there I receive the following message:


    Not authorized

    Sorry, you are not authorized to browse the archives of the VECTORWORKS-L list from the address you entered in the login screen.


    I can however browse the archives of the VECTORSCRIPT-L list from the same address [Confused] .

    Any ideas?

  2. Here you go

    Procedure ShowAllClasses;VAR numberofclasses,ClassIndex:LONGINT;ClassVisibility:INTEGER;ClassName:STRING;

    BEGINnumberofclasses:=ClassNum;ClassIndex:=0; FOR ClassIndex := 1 TO numberofclasses DOBEGINClassName:= ClassList( ClassIndex );ClassVisibility:= GetCVis( ClassName ); IF ClassVisibility = -1 THENBEGINShowClass( ClassName );END;END;END;RUN ( ShowAllClasses );

  3. gnkarch, we have had the same plotting problems with a HP 755, Win2000, VW 9.0.1 and we were using HP v4.61. Going back to a previous version of the driver might help. You need version 4.4. I can mail you this version if I have your adres.

  4. Hey Esther,

    First copy copy the script code(the tekst) to your clipboard. Then go to your resource pallet and, choose 'new script'.VW will ask you to give the script a name and a place to store the script. Paste te text into the script.Click OK. Go back to your resource pallet and locate the script. You will have to dubble click the script's name to activate it

  5. following vs funtions don't oparate well, using

    Win 2000, VW 9.1:

    StrDialog, the Dialog shows up, but doesn't react to the keyboard (IntDialog works though).

    DoMenuTextByName('Rotate',1 to 5) gives an vs script error. DoMenuTextByName('Rotate',0) is the only one that works well. :confused:

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by LINE:
    also, commands for turning a layer or class on/off by selecting an item on that layer or class would be handy.

    try this, put in as a script in your resource pallet or make it a tool or command with the ORGANIZE/create PIO command.

    Procedure TurnOffClass;VARx,y:REAL;hndObj:HANDLE;classname:STRING;


    repeatGetPt(x,y);hndObj:= PickObject(x,y);SetSelect(hndObj);classname:= GetClass(hndObj);HideClass(classname); redraw;until hndObj=NIL;{script will be ended by clicking on a free space in your drawing}

    END;RUN (TurnOffClass);

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