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Marissa Farrell

Marionette Maven
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Posts posted by Marissa Farrell

  1. Hi CarlJdP and Alan!

    Marionette uses mostly the same functions that the software uses when you use menu commands/tools/etc. Since the italics are lost using only the menu command, I don't believe we will have a solution for Marionette until that is looked into.

    I'm not sure if there's another solution for this, but at least with Marionette, I can't think of a way.


  2. Kevin,

    Yes. You're right. I do occasionally see the issue in SP2. I mostly work with versions that haven't been released to the public, and didn't think to check SP2 prior to replying to this thread.

    Since I don't currently see this with the version I'm working in, it may be cleared up in a future Service Pack, but as for SP2, the workarounds are the best bet for getting results when the script fails.


  3. Hi Alan,

    An alternative method to placing your polys at different locations of your screen would be to have them saved as a symbol and then insert them at each of the points you want them.

    Let me know if this is what you're looking for, or if you have any other questions.


  4. Last week I posted about my Stair Tool in progress, but I'd like to draw your attention to the potential of Curved Stairs!

    This is VERY VERY VERY basic, and cannot currently loop through more than 360 degrees (I promise I will build upon this), but here is an outline of how to get steps that rise circularly!

    It's also super ugly at the moment, this is really just a geometry test, but feel free to play around with it!


  5. Keep in mind:

    All of this flattery is the only reason I keep posting ;)

    But seriously, thank you both (and all) for your positive (and critical) input on what I present to you.

    It also gives me much more entertainment during the work day, which currently mostly consists of creating new nodes and trying to come up with something neat to create in a network and share. You all inspire me to solve your problems and requests - so keep them coming!

  6. Unfortunately no, this node will be more difficult to fix as the problem isn't with the script inside of the node, but rather the lack of a link to the software. I will push to have things move forward with it, and I will try my best to create a node that *may* be able to do the same functionality without having to wait for a service pack, but I cannot make any promises.

  7. So in this case, the "origin" refers to one of the corners of the rectangle - with this file, it is the bottom left of the rectangles.

    In order to have everything grow together, we need to create more relationships.

    Let me put together another example (I should have it ready and posted by tomorrow, latest).

    I would not have taken the center point approach, personally, but I can mock up an example using that method as well.

    Thanks for your patience!


  8. Ha nice!

    One but: if you change the symbol the EAP doesn't change automatically, it seems that you have to edit the control geometry as well to see the changes made to Symbol-1

    Yes, you're right. The script that defines the geometry will only be updated if you alter it in someway - a way that you could "trick" it is to give it some sort of parametric control in the OIP that you could alter (that wouldn't actually change anything) in order to reset the object.

    I'll look into this and let you know if I find a sneaky solution!

  9. @ScottBFM:

    The problem isn't with the origin input, it appears to be with the "move" command. I'm not sure why this doesn't work well with Marionette Objects, but I have attached a revised network that when you convert to an object node looks as expected.

    In order to accomplish this, I added to the initial origin to offset the following rectangles. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.



  10. @ScottBFM

    A while back I created nodes to move front/back/forward/backward, but they proved to be unreliable in a Marionette network. This is being looked into, but for now it doesn't seem like the control is available. I will keep this thread updated if any progress is made.

    As for distribute/align nodes, I have not yet began creating them, but I can certainly move it up on my list! If I'm able to produce anything that will reliably work, I will share it here.

  11. Hi!

    So the 2D shapes you were seeing exist because my original network sort of became a hybrid object. I wasn't able to keep this functionality once you incorporated your additions (which I LOVE by the way! Very impressive!)

    What I changed in this file:

    I grouped many of your output shapes, just to clean up the object a bit (I couldn't get the 'extrude along path' object to group without disappearing... so that still just exists as is.)

    Inside of the "Keys" wrapper, I removed the 'copy' nodes from the script (that's where the 2D keys were coming from). I think that's all I did.

    Don't hesitate to ask anything else on this! And if you continue to add to this piano, please show me! I'm very interested!

  12. I can see that I may have come off as harsh and/or abrasive in my previous post, and that was the one thing I was trying to avoid most.

    Adrian, I also am very glad for your enthusiasm as you have generated many nodes that aren't readily available from us, and I commend you for it. I started after Marionette had already been almost completely developed for how we shipped it in the initial release, and it took me until a month or two ago to even have the passion I have for it now. Since then, I have been working on it as a side project - unfortunately I do have other obligations to my real role as a QA Specialist, so my time can't be 100% devoted to developing new content. I believe that what you have done definitely deserves compensation, if users were to use what you develop, but I suppose I would have had a different business plan in mind - such as providing them as separate packages so that a user could just purchase, say, worksheet nodes, or utility nodes, from you - rather than a whole chunk of nodes from different categories.

    My biggest concern was that I know (since I'm making them) that the other content will be available at some point, but if someone did not wish to wait, you could very well provide the resources. (I also cannot provide a set date as to when they will be released for a fair amount of reasons.)

    As for your arch networks, I very much wish for you to continue offering those! That is very exciting. If I could do the same with the definitions I create, I would absolutely do the same, but instead since I work with this fabulous software-producing-company, I just end up offering my creations for free to inspire others to learn by example.

    So to sum this all up - I am sorry for hindering you, I'm just looking out for the well being of all of our users.

    Oh - and just to clarify more how the ambient layer nodes work - the only way I've gotten that function to work is if I pass the handle to the active layer into them. Ambient light info isn't attached to just one layer, it is attached to the document, and that function works only if the active layer is passed into it, otherwise the values will not stick. It's most likely because somewhere between versions we changed how ambient light info works. Therefor, in my lights nodes, the "___ layer ambient ____" nodes are named without the "layer" part. I absolutely wasn't trying to say that you created anything incorrect, I just think there may have been a misunderstanding.

    I hope you continue to develop more Marionette networks because you make me feel like my attention to Marionette as a whole is worth it.

  13. An alternative, although not a true fix:

    A Marionette Object that uses control geometry to define the path!

    This network pulls in 'Symbol-1' as it's profile and allows a user to define a path.

    To do this:

    1) Right click on the Marionette Object (EAP)

    2) Select 'Edit Control Geometry'

    3) You can either modify the polyline I have there, or delete that and draw something completely different. Each time you go into the control geometry it will still be of whatever type you drew it in initially (i.e. will not convert to NURBS, because that is done in the Marionette Script)

    To see the script involved, go all the way back out to the main drawing screen, right click on the Marionette object, and select 'Edit Script'

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  14. The following light nodes included in @ahedley's "Marionette Nodes Vol 1." can be found here, free of charge.

    25. Create Light

    26. Contains Light

    27. GetBeamAngle

    28. GetLayerAmbientColor

    29. GetLayerAmbientInfo

    30. GetLightColorRGB

    31. GetLightDirection

    32. GetLightFalloff

    33. GetLightInfo

    34. GetLightLocation

    35. GetSpreadAngle

    36. SetBeamAngle

    37. SetLayerAmbientColor

    38. SetLayerAmbientInfo

    39. SetLightColorRGB

    40. SetLightDirection

    41. SetLightFalloff

    42. SetLightInfo

    43. SetLightLocation

    44. SetSpreadAngle

    I would also like to note that the nodes referring to a layer's ambient info/color are misleading. There is no way to set a specific layer's ambient info.

    Furthermore, by no means discouraging the desire to monetize off of Marionette content, all of the nodes that may be creating using this reference, that will still work in 2016, have already been planned to be released for free on the forums as well as possibly in Service Packs.

  15. A note on using light nodes in a Marionette Object:

    I have had mixed results on whether or not the light would display as 'on' while rendering in renderworks - where you would REALLY want it most.

    If you were to just use the nodes in a network and produce something, they should render in all modes - again, the Marionette OBJECT has been my only issue, and not even always.

    I'm working to find a way around it, but I just wanted to share this knowledge before someone may ask about it.



  16. Here's the first set of worksheet nodes you can use in Marionette!

    I'll be adding more as the days progress, these are the ones I thought were most important.

    Once I get them all set, I will sort them into files so that they behave like the NURBS node section in the dropdown.


    (if there's any functionality you need sooner than later, let me know and I will prioritize for you!)


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  17. I've been trying to hold back from sharing this before it's ready - but I guess I'd also do much better with it if I had input from users!

    The colors of the steps can be ignored - I just had too much fun with it. I started this yesterday morning and still have much more work to do with it, but a sneak peek is always fun ;)


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