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Posts posted by fabrica

  1. R-Value is the thermal resistance of the construction, units are m2K/W , also shown as the R layer in your BRE sheet.

    To get from R to U-Value : U= 1/R (W/m2K) , both are in metric already.

    ie. (U= 1/5.304 = 0.188 rounded up to 0.19 W/m2K.

    I believe Energos is linked to passive house PHPP calculations methods, which measure from the outside of the building envelope instead - still waiting on a video tutorial from vector works to understand better!

  2. I took the plunge also - works fine on the office retina iMac......no issues.

    ... but is not working on the home 2013 iMac - crashes on start-up (normally takes 3 attempts to load) - crashes when I open a file and I get black palettes if I try to move them , then crashes .. have tried to uninstall and reinstall but to no avail.

    Also gives me the 2015 icon for drawing files rather than the new red 2016 one.

    Graphics card issue? (older iMac has a NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB)

  3. Personally - I would never upgrade to a new OS on the release day because you're just asking for trouble.

    I always wait until at least the first OS update package is released, like 10.11.1.

    i know, I know! ...... just was checking...

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