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Everything posted by fabrica

  1. that does sound a bit disappointing Marissa. I would not expect someone to go to all the effort and expense of writing something like the nitrobookcase for free. (I note vectorworks/maxon have now bought this for the latest version of C4D). As there is no ability to lock/encrypt an Marionette object it does not make sense for someone to go to the effort of producing professional objects for purchase that can be easily copied. (https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=221095#Post221095) The worry then, is it will remain a hobbyist part of vectorworks for the foreseeable future? that seems a lost opportunity and will not encourage use or new users. As a customer of vectorworks, I'm looking for the software to speed-up my workflow without having to be an expert in every area of it, either through vectorworks or third party add-ons. And when its a good third party add-on, buy it to incorporate into the software! http://planet.vectorworks.net/2016/04/weve-acquired-panzercads-technology-help-makes-designs-picture-perfect/
  2. is Vectorworks Inc planning on making parametric objects with Marionette for its users? I'm thinking furniture options or something like this : http://nitro4d.com/blog/donationware/nitrobookcase/ - (a C4D object) I'm sure the early adopters don't want to give stuff away once they get the hang of it. I can figure out changing dimensions or materials on M objects but the thought of planning nodes etc gives me shivers!!
  3. think vector works should organise their training videos to match something like this: http://bimscape.com/beginners-guide-to-revit-architecture/ and it should be free, maybe more complex tutorials for VSS ?
  4. is there anyway to control the appearance of a window in the worksheet image function? (wireframe mode) ie. the elevation of the window is a light grey compared to the text / text boxes? the only way I can figure out to do a normal window schedule is two worksheets. 1- standard with all the details / id / sizes etc as normal 2- an image only worksheet at 1:1 which then can use viewports to the sheet of each window - (allows windows to be horizontal across page rather than all vertical.) - obviously not a quick workflow! vectorworks need to give this a serious update - sub-standard BIM at the moment...
  5. really would like windoor but can't get it in Europe :mad: unless someone knows a workaround !!!
  6. R-Value is the thermal resistance of the construction, units are m2K/W , also shown as the R layer in your BRE sheet. To get from R to U-Value : U= 1/R (W/m2K) , both are in metric already. ie. (U= 1/5.304 = 0.188 rounded up to 0.19 W/m2K. I believe Energos is linked to passive house PHPP calculations methods, which measure from the outside of the building envelope instead - still waiting on a video tutorial from vector works to understand better!
  7. theres an option to save the C4d file with assets (which are the VW materials) - this is how I normally do this workflow.
  8. need to update that video Pat - after the intro graphics its just a black screen , can hear the dialogue but see nothing!
  9. Its like a progressive render in C4d - ie. it gives you the full image quickly (rather than each small box) and then improves the render gradually - allows you to see if its too dark or too bright at the start of the render - handy for testing
  10. Hi JimW , works fine in the new user account - time to delete old account?
  11. I took the plunge also - works fine on the office retina iMac......no issues. ... but is not working on the home 2013 iMac - crashes on start-up (normally takes 3 attempts to load) - crashes when I open a file and I get black palettes if I try to move them , then crashes .. have tried to uninstall and reinstall but to no avail. Also gives me the 2015 icon for drawing files rather than the new red 2016 one. Graphics card issue? (older iMac has a NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB)
  12. are there going to be any video tutorials for energos, marionette etc? The GSG guides are good and I liked the new render works one. I don't think I'll ever understand marionette scripting but willing to watch a video first before conceding defeat!
  13. maybe JimW I'll be distracted by VW2016.. what date did you say it was out again?..
  14. i know, I know! ...... just was checking...
  15. thanks! were you having problems with 2015 or 2016....!!
  16. Hi All, is OS X El Capitan ok with Vectorworks 2015? was thinking of upgrading before the Sept.30th launch...
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