that does sound a bit disappointing Marissa.
I would not expect someone to go to all the effort and expense of writing something like the nitrobookcase for free. (I note vectorworks/maxon have now bought this for the latest version of C4D).
As there is no ability to lock/encrypt an Marionette object it does not make sense for someone to go to the effort of producing professional objects for purchase that can be easily copied. (
The worry then, is it will remain a hobbyist part of vectorworks for the foreseeable future? that seems a lost opportunity and will not encourage use or new users.
As a customer of vectorworks, I'm looking for the software to speed-up my workflow without having to be an expert in every area of it, either through vectorworks or third party add-ons.
And when its a good third party add-on, buy it to incorporate into the software!