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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by TomWhiteLight

  1. You could make them a hanging position? As far as I am aware only connecting truss items can have the same truss system name.


    The other thing to bear in mind is you can always ungroup a hanging position and then make it again if you find that workflow restrictive.

  2. Why have you got the sockets in the rack 3d layout? The sockets/devices should be on a separate layer? If you want to show 3d racks on top of devices and schematics combined somehow then i would use 2 separate viewports one on top of the other.


  3. hmmmmm


    the only way I have been able to do this is to attach a relevant record to the symbol and then insert it with an appropriate plug in tool. Then I can 'Tag' it with the Equipment Item Tool.


    Not very elegant but it does work. Further conversations to be had internally about this.


    Many thanks.


    Tom W

  4. "I wonder also if it is possible to remove the panel text (CTP_xxx) in Rack 3D Layout like it is in Rack Elevation?"


    This won't show up in a section viewport provided Planar objects is unchecked in the viewport settings on the object info palate.

  5. Thanks Josh.


    I have reported them as VB not VE, They are a regression, absolutely.


    I agree we do need to consider every tweak and the knock on implications. I would also hope that the Beta testers whom are on this thread will also understand the importance of testing these tools at a most crucial stage in the softwares development.


    I will endeavour to get this resolved as quickly as possible.



    • Like 1
  6. As far as I am aware, The Hoist tool works in conjunction with the new cable tools, Hence a cable is drawn and its length calculated by the cable tool.


    You could add additional records to hoists if you just wanted to enter the value on the hoist?


    My colleague @JCodgell might be able to elaborate further.

  7. Providing you use geometry you will always be able to double click and edit the geometry.


    You can also Edit > Ungroup to convert a hanging position back to just geometry.


    I don't believe Hanging Position will become legacy in terms of being 'retired' There will always be a need to create a hanging position from non standard custom geometry.

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  8. Hi Katy!


    Apologies been busy with Plasa, This video should help.


    When you create a class from scratch you can choose which viewports and saved views it should be present in. However when Spotlight creates the class for you, You will need to edit viewports and saved views in the organization dialogue below.

    I guess the trick is, is to have every conceivable light and its class in your template file.


    This would be an enhancement request which I will make.

    I will get to your other problem shortly.


    All the best


    Tom W

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