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Brandon Wardell

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Posts posted by Brandon Wardell

  1. I've asked about this before, but I thought I'd ask in a slightly different way.

    I'm trying to rebuild a file I received from a major regional theatre with 3d positions, and have successfully renamed/removed all but one of the old lighting positions.  No matter what I do, I can't create a "Cat 2A" because somewhere, hidden in this file, is another object with that name.  Most likely I'm just missing something, is there a way to search for all named objects?  I've attached the file in case someone else can crack this.



  2. I'm posting this here because I specifically work as a lighting designer and rely on Spotlight heavily. If it's more appropriate for the Renderworks forum I'll send it over there.

    I'm working on a heavy rendering project right now, designing a piece of musical theatre. I have modestly sized figures, and moderately complex set (i.e. no mirrors or glass), and only a dozen or so instruments so far. Each time I go to render, either in the Design Layer or in the Viewport, the system lags for over a minute before it actually starts rendering (shows the teapot and changes anything on the screen).

    This is extremely frustrating and not a behavior I've seen before, unless this is the "pre-render" time that used to be labeled at the bottom of the screen. I have already tried restarting the program and purging my system caches and have closed anything that could possibly be stealing memory...

    Any help would be appreciated!

  3. I just encountered a similar error where Renderworks refused to recognized Sheet Layer-specific lighting changes (specifically color and intensity). Once restarting the program things seem to be back on track. Once again, working with Fast Renderworks, DPI of 200 in a Viewport. The file is 153.2 Mb

  4. I generally use Fast Renderworks while working and then switch to Final Quality once I've got things looking the way I want. Generally I get a few full renders in before it stops showing fog and texture.

    Making a new viewport sometimes works, but usually stops working after 3 or 4 renders.

  5. OK I keep running into this problem and I'd really like to know if it's a quirk of the system or if I should be doing something differently. Whenever I have a complex Set that I'm lighting, at a certain point textures stop rendering in the Viewport Camera. They'll work in the design layer no problem, but not on the sheet layer. If I "Edit Design Layer" through the Viewport, they render fine, but not when I return to the sheet layer.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. I was so hoping that this would work, but unfortunately it did not.

    I can place FPs manually in this file using #1-6, but if I try to duplicate #1 it won't go to #2 it skips all the way to #7.

    Using the Custom Search tool, I get hits on "Name is 1" and "Name is 7" but not 2-6, so I'm guessing that's not the problem.

    I seem to have overwritten the file with misbehaving Lighting Positions, but in that case the Lighting Positions were persistently incorrect. I'll try the Custom Search when I encounter it again.


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