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John Pacyga

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Everything posted by John Pacyga

  1. rDesign, In the VW import 3DS dialog box the "Import Textured Materials" is always grayed out no matter what I try. Is this step important and how to I activate the checkbox? Any other trouble shooting steps I could try to bring in a texture from SketchUp to VW 2013?
  2. Could you elaborate on your use of UV Tools? I believe the plugin has evolved and I an interested in your exact steps to secure the texture at the proper scale when using aerials.
  3. VW should be able to bring in .skp geometry without a problem. I haven't figured out how to bring in the imagery/textures yet. I'll let you know if I find a process. Ideally, a Google Earth aerial image would be at the right scale and save lots of time!
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