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Posts posted by HEengineering

  1. So to better understand your workflow,


    You use different Layer Scales at one time while drawing - in 2D only ? Yes

    > Could DL Scales maybe deactivated for 3D (only) completely ? Not sure can they?


    For which purpose do you use a Layer Scale exactly in the Drawing Window,

    so outside of the SheetLayer VP's ? Yes. for every saved view we have several layers assigned to that view, each with different scales as needed.


    Another thing beside Scale is Orientation.

    Do you use Design Layers in different orientations at the same time ? no

    Like one DL in Top Plan View while an other in Isometric or similar ?no


    Do you use 2D Elements in "Screen Orientation" ? Always

    So working 2D in a 3D Space ? I guess if a design layer is considered 3d space, than yes. I still don't quite understand the new design layer viewport vs sheet layer viewport. It seems to me that previous versions only allowed sheet layer view ports, but if I remember correctly with 16 there are also new design layer viewports??

    The other aspect I don't quite get is the reference methods available. We have always used referenced layers. Now you can reference a view port into the design layer of another file? It used to be you could not have a vp on the DL??

    My depth of sheet layer views basically amounts to a rendering output to a sheet layer with a viewport for 1 simple item. So while i do understand some of the basics, at times it can become really confusing, especially for a new user.

  2. Zoomer- Thats actually how we operate. While we do have the occasional project for 3d work, most of what we do is 2D. Several layers on a saved view. The industry we work in just doesn't justify the workflow of 3D or BIM. The clients don't want it don't need it.

    For this reason I hope VW considers not all users are always operating in 3D and viewports. Sometimes simplicity wins for the sake of simplicity.

    I personally like the 3D and those jobs usually land on my desk because of it, but sometimes it can be really tuff explaining the work flows to others, or getting the desired results.

    It is apparent that VW is making a push with webinars to try and inform its user base better on the best practices and workflows, its definitely long awaited and well received if you ask me.

    Just thought Id toss In my 2 cents on this one because i know alot of users think this workflow is archaic, but thats what I love about VW as well. It can take you from basic 2d drawings all the way to the most advanced 3D models.

  3. Working in 2016 and Im finding as my model becomes more complex the file size balloons up. Currently at 94MB. Its almost impossible to even work in the file while in wireframe mode. In the latest version of 2016. I thought I recall seeing a similar thread.

    Im rendering a fence and around and outdoor compound.

  4. That sounds like a nice a quick method. Im after the most visually accurate. Im finding as I toy with the texture it helps as well.

    I follow the steps you suggested, but not a pretty outcome. For some reason the antennas that are rendered white in the file come out as black? and the black background comes thru as white?

    Seems as I bump the DPI that does help, If I could just figure out this past from clip in preview that would be excellent.

    see attached

  5. While were at it Im also curious as to how texture mapping and the actual extrusion effect the output. I modeled the pole several ways but found the generic extrude to be best as it gave a true round profile. Most poles in the field have a hex type shape, however I found that not be as visually pleasing for the effect.

    Based on that approach I'm wondering if I should edit the texture mapping differently as well? I have tried all the variations as far as object type and Plane seems to be the best, which i thought sphere be the preferred obj? Just looking for other approaches.

  6. I see. Could you go into a bit more detail regarding this process?

    Do I then simply print to viewport to PDF? Export out the viewport as and image or pdf?

    Now In the interim I tried some other methods such as exporting as a PDF, where i did bump up the DPI. Is that a similar effect?

    Just so many options when it comes to rendering, and were using it in a way that most don't Id assume. We really want to fine tune this process as it is a huge time saver.

  7. I appreciate the quick responses. It turned out it was a setting in wireframe options regarding fill opacity on planar objects in 3d Views.

    This issue set aside, Im finding that with a final rendtrworks quality that the monopole cell tower seems sup par from a visual viewpoint. I love how we can match the photos with the model and place the cameras accourdingly.

    We typically export image file from each camera saved view. Is there a better way to export out? See some of the attached renders. We render the pole out and do the rest in photoshop.

    Is there a better method in terms of export? I realize there is tons of info on this forum, however this is time sensitive. Any quick suggestions are appreciated.

  8. We occasionally render Cell towers in Vectorworks. Normally we place an aerial map in layer plane and work from there. Setting camera's in the necessary locations to match the field photos.

    When I switch to any view other than top plan my map disappears. The map is just a screen grab image. I have tried a new file with just the map and that seems to work.

    I would like the map to stay visible simply bc it helps locate where you are looking.

    I have attached the file Im working with. As soon as I move to a camera view or isometric view the map goes black. U can see the outline. You can also see the map when you zoom in and out.

    Ive never had this issue in the past. I always just place the map on a layer plane. What gives?

  9. I noticed today that I have alot of tools that show up in the VW 14 version that I don't have in 15 or 16. I have the Renderworks edition on all 3. I noticed the addition tools are actually shown with green line work as well? Maybe this will help explain? See attached photos. The Revision bubble is one of the tools we would like to use, but for some reason only my version 14 has this, not of the other machine show this tool, but I am the only one Running the Rendtrworks Add on.

    Can anyone explain why I only see these tools in green in 2014 and not 2016?

  10. We work in a structural based office where almost everything we do is 2D and with saved views. However we do use viewports from time to time.

    I exclusively used the create viewport function when this is required. Then I noticed the multiple viewport option.

    The thing Im noticing with the multiple viewports options is that if you have multiple design layers on the saved view, it seems to want to included all the details regardless if they are on different layers with different scales

    So say I have a plan on one layer, then 2 details on another layer, all on one saved view. I only want to make multiple view ports of just the plan.

    When I select just that design layer it creates a viewport of everything that is on that saved view. Even though the other details are on a separate layer/scale within the saved view.

    My assumption here is maybe you can only use "create multiple viewports" with something on only one design layer?

    Maybe its the saved view part thats goofing this up?

  11. Id love to see a video, in fact I wish there was a thread with nothing but video tutorials on this kind of stuff. It sounded like you were able to retain the VP if you brought over the design layer as well. I did try this, but only resulted in a bitmap or simple line work?

    Ill admit I didn't make several attempts, simply because I assumed you guys were talking line work only.

  12. I've been following this thread as I had a similar question not to long ago but didn't post....

    So when you do the copy paste are you left with a working viewport or a Bitmap? As I also have tried various methods. I actually found using modify>decompose will give you all the lineework.

    However the method above I was not able to retain an actual working viewport? Is that what is being described here?

  13. After trying a few more files we were able to get this going. For whatever reason a majority appear to have been corrupt. Tho we did get quite a few to import as well. Not sure if the issue lies with that particular file, or VW. Seems to be file related at this point.

  14. What was the other program you tried? We even tried this with AutoCAD 16 LT. and still no success? Ive tried a few different files and they all seem to react the same. We have over 30 of these a client has sent us and we can't view them, let alone open them.

    I an try and post another file, But I expect the same results. I also tried this in VW 14,15,16

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