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    interior design
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  1. Thanks, I tried reinstall of the dongle driver and a restart but it didn't work. update: with the download of the driver form the german site it works! german forum link Thnx zoomer!
  2. Hello, I know this will will maybe not be a surprise but for the users of an older version who would like to try to use 10.10, the dongle doesn't work, light up, anymore in my case with VW 2012. Vw seems to start but can't find the key. Greetings, Oscar
  3. Worked all day on macbook pro/snow leopard/VW2008. No problems.
  4. @sky I have a macbook pro 3.1 (snow leopard) and use it almost the same way you use your macbook Air. Using it on location or at home and do my main drafting at work on a desktop with Leopard installed. I dont think you will have problems with the work you want to do on location as you described. I just did a hidden line rendering test of an average difficult situation and that worked fine. Renderworks also works by the way. If you are going to do the update make sure to have a good backup just i case you want to switch back to Leopard, i have. greetings!
  5. @pkeading , yes dwg import works, no crashes so far. But as Pat Stanford says, it's probably not a good idea to use VW2008 on Snow Leopard if it is your only setup, but in the past i had never really experienced any problems as Macosx updated and there was a warning from Vectorworks that it wasn"t compatible, they have a resposibility to their customers to always stay on the save side.
  6. @sky : what basic functions do you want to have working on your macbook? I got even more HD space back then 7 GB. greetings
  7. Using vectorworks 2008 / Snow Leopard, no problems so far, haven't tested everything yet. Updated Leopard with VW2008 installed to Snow Leopard, don't know about installing it on Snow Leopard. @sig_eigei : I agree! greeting
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