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Everything posted by IvanAriel

  1. Hi everyone, I updated my old VW 11.5 to VW 2008, but I have a few problems with my old scripts. I was wondering if someone can give me a hand with this issue. Basically the script connects two groups of red polygons. It works perfect in VW 11.5 but now I cannot figure out why it doesn't work. Here is the script: Procedure Join_Groups; {debug} {reunit poligons rouges de 2 groupes, les reordone et fait un group general } VAR x,y: REAL; h,h1,h2,h3, hl: HANDLE; P1,P2,P3: POINT; n,i: INTEGER; r, g, b :LONGINT; f: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DSelectAll; While h=Nil DO BEGIN GetPt(x,y); h:=PickObject(x,y); END; hl := FInGroup(h); WHILE hl <> NIL DO BEGIN GetPenFore(hl,r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,i); IF i=7 THEN h1:=hl; hl :=NextObj(hl); END; n:=GetVertNum(h1); GetPolyPt(h1,n,P1.x,P1.y); While h2=Nil DO BEGIN GetPt(x,y); h2:=PickObject(x,y); END; hl:= FInGroup(h2); GetPenFore(hl,r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,i); WHILE i<>7 DO BEGIN hl :=NextObj(hl); GetPenFore(hl,r,g,b); RGBToColorIndex(r,g,b,i); END; GetPolyPt(hl,1,P2.x,P2.y); OpenPoly; BeginPoly; P3:=P1+( (P2-P1)/2); AddPoint(P1.x,P1.y); AddPoint(P3.x,P3.y); AddPoint(P2.x,P2.y); EndPoly; h3:= LnewObj; ColorIndexToRGB(6, r, g, b); SetPenFore(h3, r, g, b); HMoveForward (h,true); SetSelect(h); Hungroup(h); HMoveForward (h3,true); SetSelect(h3); HMoveForward (h2,true); SetSelect(h2); Hungroup(h2); Group; END; RUN (Join_Groups); Thanks in advance!!! Ivan
  2. Hi Charles, Again.... thank you very much for your help. The Script is working!!. Thank you!! Ivan
  3. Hi Charles, Could you help me one more time? I am working with polygons of 4 colours (red, blue, yellow and green) and the script palette of 4 colours. When I click on the red (in the palette) selects all polygons red, and so in this way with the other colours. My question is: in the same way that I work with the colours, how I can select the odd polys and the pairs polys using the script pallet? The function is the same that the other script, but in this case I do not need join them, just select them (odd and pairs) Script: Blue: DSelectAll; SelectObj((PF=4)); Red: DSelectAll; SelectObj((PF=7)); Yellow:DSelectAll; SelectObj((PF=5)); Green:DSelectAll; SelectObj((PF=6)); Thank in advance
  4. Hi ccroft, thank so much for you help, the script is working perfect!!. I have been trying to do this for 2 weeks...and nothing.. Thank you again Charles. Ivan
  5. Hi, thank islandmon and ccroft for reply my question. ccroft, you are right, I can select objects 1,3,5 and then join them, but the problem is that I work between 700 and 1000 polys. At the moment I am selecting poly 1,3,5 to 700...this job take me around 3 or 4 hours. This is the reason because I want to change the script..select all of them and then only join objects 1,3,5,7.. You can see how it works, drawing a few polys, select all, click "Alternate Line" and click in the right or left side of the polys. Please let me know if I am clear with this script. Thank you again for your time
  6. Hi everyone! This is my first post, I have been this script for several time. Basically this script does is to join a set of Polys consecutively(join poly 1 with 2,3,4,5). The problem now is that I need to modify this script to join the poly 1,3,5.Someone can help me with this please Thank you in advence The Script: Procedure TheProcedure; {debug} VAR x,y,d: REAL; r, g, b :LONGINT; h,h1: HANDLE; s: STRING; i,j,n,vtx,m,ii,i2: INTEGER; p1,p2: POINT; Myp,Myp2: DYNARRAY OF POINT3D; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure DrawPol(Myp: DYNARRAY of POINt3D;i:INTEGER); VAR h1,h:HANDLE; j:INTEGER; BEGIN layer ('new Lines'); OpenPoly; BeginPoly; For j:=1 To i do BEGIN IF Myp[j].z=0 Then Addpoint(Myp[j].x,Myp[j].y); IF Myp[j].z=1 Then CurveTo(Myp[j].x,Myp[j].y); IF Myp[j].z=2 Then CurveThrough(Myp[j].x,Myp[j].y); END; EndPoly; h1:=LNewObj; ColorIndexToRGB(7, r, g, b); SetPenFore(h1, r, g, b); SetFPat(h1,0); layer(s); END; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Del_Points(Myp: DYNARRAY of POINt3D;i:INTEGER; Dist: REAL; Dist2: REAL; VAR Myp2: DYNARRAY of POINt3D; VAR jj: INTEGER ); VAR d: REAL; j: INTEGER; BEGIN jj:=1; FOR j:=1 TO i-1 DO BEGIN d:= Sqrt (Sqr((Myp[j+1].x-Myp[j].x))+Sqr((Myp[j+1].y-Myp[j].y))); IF MyP[j].z>0 THEN BEGIN IF d>dist THEN BEGIN MyP2[jj]:=MyP[j]; jj:=jj+1; END; END ELSE BEGIN IF d>dist2 THEN BEGIN MyP2[jj]:=MyP[j]; jj:=jj+1; END; END; END; MyP2[jj]:=MyP; END; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure FindP(x,y : REAL;h: HANDLE; VAR ii: INTEGER; VAR xp,yp : REAL); VAR x1,x2,y1,y2,dst1,dst2: REAL; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i:=GetVertNum(h); GetPolylineVertex(h,1,x1,y1,vtx,d); dst1:= Sqrt( Sqr(x1-x) + sqr(y1-y) ); GetPolylineVertex(h,i,x2,y2,vtx,d); dst2:= Sqrt( Sqr(x2-x) + sqr(y2-y) ); IF dst1>dst2 THEN BEGIN xp:=x2; yp:=y2; ii:=i; END; IF dst1 xp:=x1; yp:=y1; ii:=1; END; END; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} BEGIN h:=ActLayer; s:=GetLName(h); n:=NumSObj(h); h:=FSActLayer; GetPt(x,y); ii:=1; FindP(x,y,h,ii,x,y); FOR m:=1 TO n DO BEGIN i:=GetVertNum(h); ALLOCATE Myp[1..i+1]; ALLOCATE Myp2[1..i+1]; IF ii=1 THEN BEGIN FOR j:=1 TO i DO BEGIN GetPolylineVertex(h,j,Myp[j].x,Myp[j].y,Myp[j].z,d); END; END; IF ii=i THEN BEGIN FOR j:=1 TO i DO BEGIN GetPolylineVertex(h,i+1-j,Myp[j].x,Myp[j].y,Myp[j].z,d); END; END; h1:=NextSObj(h); IF h1<>NIL THEN BEGIN i:=i+1; FindP(Myp[i-1].x,Myp[i-1].y,h1,ii,Myp.x,Myp.y); Myp.z:=0; END; Del_Points (Myp,i,.2,.2,MyP2,i2); DrawPol(Myp2,i2); h:=NextSObj(h); END; layer ('new Lines'); END; RUN (TheProcedure);
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