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Everything posted by patric

  1. Thanks for the help, it might be, that the '1-3'-thing will solve all of the problems. 'choice is not stored' should have expressed that when I pressed the OK Button and did not select any item in the pull-down menu, the default string of the pull-down menu couldn't be accessed. It just gave the default integer.
  2. Hello again, another problem: I have written a little menu layout. The problem is: when I select an item of the pull-down menu the window of the menu closes. I want it to stay until I press 'OK' or 'cancel'. And in addition to that, the selected Choice is not stored when I press OK... Does anybody know a solution?
  3. It's not so easy as it first seemed, but it's a great manual you wrote, Raymond. With this tool it's fun programming!
  4. You search the code again and again and you won't find the mistake by yourself. And in the end it's so easy;) Thanks for the help!
  5. Thanks Raymond! It seems there is a lot to do. I will try what you suggest. But do you think the problem with the negative coordinates will be solved? As you have proposed a similar script before did you have any problems like this?
  6. Hi Pat, thanks for your help, it might be that the code is a little bit naive as I'm a VectorScript newbie and my c and java skills are a little bit rusty. - I checked it, but I thought, it would only change the y-coordinate. In fact I have an Array Of Handles which I want to sort by Arrays Of Real. So I tried the simplest way of using a bubble sort. I just want to sort about 300 symbols in one step, so slimming down the code is not the most important thing for this moment - 'l' is just a counter to make sure that every position in the array is checked every time. It's not the elegant but the easy way... There might be a mistake, but I don't get it. - could you give me an example? I tried something like that but the compiler gave back an exception. - Neither do I. When I move the symbols to positive coordinates, the whole things works fine. - I'm not sure what you mean ('using data structures')... I don't have the code in a nice and structured way to present. Sorry! Here are just parts of it. VAR h : ARRAY [1..1000] OF Handle; pX,pY : ARRAY [1..1000] OF Real; biggerY: HANDLE;{used in bubble sort to store data} i,j,k,l,m: Integer; CountSymI : Integer; CountSymStr : String; havetochange,checkX: Boolean;{used in Bubblesort} in the main program: {to store the selected objects in Handles} i:=1; h:=FSActLayer; While h<>NIL DO BEGIN h[i+1]:=NextSObj(h); i:=i+1; END; {to store the corresponding coordinates of the stored objects} j:=1; WHILE h[j] <> NIL DO BEGIN Get2DPt(h[j],1,pX[j],pY[j]); j:=j+1; END; {bubble sort} FOR l:=1 TO i-1 DO Begin FOR k:=1 TO i-1 DO Begin checkX:=FALSE; havetochange:=FALSE; Get2DPt(h[k],1,pX[k],pY[k]); Get2DPt(h[k+1],1,pX[k+1],pY[k+1]); IF (pY[k] IF (pY[k]=pY[k+1]) THEN checkX:=TRUE; IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN biggerY:=h[k]; {ein simpler swap algorithmus} IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN h[k]:=h[k+1]; IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN h[k+1]:=biggerY; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN biggerY:=h[k]; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN h[k]:=h[k+1]; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN h[k+1]:=biggerY; END; END; {writing the new handle number into the data base} CountsymI:=1; While h[CountsymI]<>NIL DO BEGIN CountSymStr:=NUM2Str(0,CountSymI);SetRField(h[CountsymI],'RechteckigeDB','Pultnr',CountSymStr); {changes the field 'pultnr' in the database 'RechteckigeDB'} CountSymI:=CountSymI+1; END; then of course END and RUN... I hope that you will understand the way I want it to work;-)
  7. The Bubble Sort works fine, but I've got a problem swapping the handles: When the coordinate is negative the corresponding handle won't stored and I don't know why... The code is: FOR l:=1 TO i-1 DO Begin FOR k:=1 TO i-1 DO Begin checkX:=FALSE; havetochange:=FALSE; Get2DPt(h[k],1,pX[k],pY[k]); Get2DPt(h[k+1],1,pX[k+1],pY[k+1]); IF (pY[k] IF (pY[k]=pY[k+1]) THEN checkX:=TRUE; IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN biggerY:=h[k]; IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN h[k]:=h[k+1]; IF (havetochange=TRUE) THEN h[k+1]:=biggerY; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN biggerY:=h[k]; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN h[k]:=h[k+1]; IF(checkX=TRUE)&(pX[k]>pX[k+1]) THEN h[k+1]:=biggerY; END; END; Do you have any idea? I also tried to add greater numbers to the coordinates but then it does not even work for positive coordinates...
  8. Thank you so much! That should solve the problem. So if I want the algorithm to sort from the upper left corner down to the lower right, I just have to implement the Bubblesort algorithm twice with a request like: IF y[i+1]=y (i=index of the handle array) THEN DO 'BUBBLESORT X-Coordinates' ? Patric
  9. Hello, I have a very specific programming question: I would like to number selected Symbols just like the 'number instruments' tool which is implemented in spotlight. Therefore I have created an Array of Handles - 1 Handle for each selected symbol. Now I want to create an order to number these symbols. As variables I want to use x- and y-coordinates. So for the moment I have an Array of Handles or symbols (h) and (arrays of) x- and y-coordinates (x,y). Now I need an algorithm to sort the symbols by both of the coordinates, so I can number the symbols from top to bottom and/or left to right. It seems basic programming knowledge, but I cannot find an algorithm which sorts by two variables. For the moment I feel quite desperate, so please help me!!! Patric
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