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Posts posted by VincentCuclair

  1. There is also an issue if you have a hidden line foreground render and render works background - only the rendered background (+ any annotations) exports not the hidden line which is usually the bit you are trying to get as a DWG.

    Yes this definitely needs to be adressed!

  2. Hi Hayden!

    There are 3 ways to do it,

    1. using image props (2D image that rotates to the camera)


    - most realistic so they work even when close to the viewer)

    - easy to make yourself

    - don't eat a lot of comp power


    - don't alway work from all camera views (however a workaround is to place props especially meant for each camera)

    2. default 3D people in VWs


    - work for all camera views


    - not very realistic

    - bogs down your computer almost to a stand still!

    3. 3rd party 3D people.

    don't know the pros and cons but from the examples above they still look a little unreal......

    Here's an image of a project I'm working on now, I inserted an image prop of 2 guys walking into it to show how method 1 as described above looks......this render was taken directly from VWs (no post editing):


  3. Is there a way to get symbols to auto rotate to viewer? As there is in Image Props?

    I would like to insert (people outline) symbols that auto rotate to viewer, the image prop doesn't do all I want (I need white peope images that are partly transparent, so far I can only get them to be white but not partly transparent.) Instead I want to insert people outlines as symbols and manipulate their color and opacity through the class settings when rendering.

  4. I find that the most effective/automated and controllable way to do it in the end is to create symbols of all window/door types in the project, create an empty new Layer and put one of each type there in a long row or in a long wall.

    Then create a viewport for Top/plan on a sheet, crop so it fits, duplicate and set view to front with hidden line, and annotate.

    This way any information specific to that object or any change on the door/windows will reflect in the schedule symbols and the table. (unfortunately dimensioning isn't auto in hidden line front views.....

    Unfortunately worksheets can't be created with a horizontal layout (this I have wished for MANY times) so I resolve it with a readable table instead, this is not really according to local building standards but still quite readable/understandable and least prone to error.

    Don't forget to exlude the window/door layer from the count btw!

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