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Extracting Geometry from PIOs or Symbols 1.0.0

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About This File

This Script is made to made separate objects from geometry which is nested in PlugIns or Symbols. Those could be uses for special usecases. The Script is criteria and class based. So it would be necessary the nested geomtry is in a seperate class.

The Script uses 3 Criterias
1. (left) The Input PIOs or Symbols by a free criteria
2. (middle) The class which contains the required objects we want to extract
3. (right) The Criteria for deleting the "debris" of the scripts. Which is selectable by class of the source PIOs/Symbols and deletes everything which are groups inside of this class (it deletes not the source objects, because those are symbols or PlugIns)

This is also a possible method to ungroup things. Many ungrouping workflows do not work with Marionette, because the ungroup script command does not create handles to the resulting objects. But the group after ungrouping will be in the same class as the source objects. So using classes could be a workaround to catch the results by a second criteria. Not noble, but it works 🙂

Use is on your own risk and in a copy of your project (like always)
This Script is made for troubleshooting special requirements by resorting geometry for IFC Export.

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