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rendering with large quantity of symbols

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I have approximately 500 theater seats that I created in a drawing. They have been saved and inserted as symbols. The 500 seats are comprised of only three different symbols (seat with left arm, seat with right arm and seat with both arms).

However, it seems that the sheer number of symbols is greatly, I mean HUGELY, slowing down the rendering process - whether Raymaker or as bitmap.

My question is - will a large quantity of symbols slow down the rendering process, even if the large quantity is comprised of only three different symbols.

Is there a method of insertion that will speed up the process.

I have to have this quantity of seats in the plan.


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Sad to say large amounts of anything have the chance of slowing down renderings. As the number of polygons that need to be calculated increases the slower the rendering time. Check to see if you can redraw the objects that make up the chairs. lower the polygon count as much as possible. if needed you can always add a texture to the symbol to make it pretty.

[This message has been edited by Shawn (edited 01-03-2000).]

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