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Keynotes and their limitations



For many keynote systems - Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) USA & Canada, Fred Stitt - Guidelines Publications, articles I have written on the subject for CSI in the early 90's, etc.; the better architectural keynote systems use one or two (max. 3) character prefixes. (e.g. C for conc., FN for foundation, M for masonry, W for wood, etc.)

While the VW Keynotes system provides for Alpha character prefixes, Nemetschek does not seem to understand the need for these to appear next to the keynote number in the actual keynote notes list.

The keynote system limitation is that our keynote symbols can have the prefixes, but the notes list cannot and that makes the system very awkward to use.

We like the auto numbering feature. It works well for us as we have a growing set of databases for keynotes and gives us dynamic renumbering when we lose a keynote because of a change in something the keynote referred to. Also the auto numbering allows us to use the notes database feature of Move UP/Move Down to reorder the keynotes & general notes to make sense.

Another keynote limitation is that if you use them in a layer or in a viewport, you can only use one type of notes in that layer or viewport. So If you have a combined Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Plan you have to be real careful to have separate layers for each sub contract so the all the electrical notes are in one list, all the HVAC in another, the plumbing in another, etc.

Our work around for the lack of prefixes in the notes list is to title the list with a keynote symbol example next to the title of the list. This clues the contractors as to which list the EL 20 note refers to. Awkward and often leads to a long explanations to the contractors as to which keynote goes to what.

The only other alternative is to create a strip of prefixes to the left of the numbers in the keynote list. Again Awkwardly time consuming.

Again - what is it that I wish for? When the keynote list is generated it also prefixes the numbers with the prefix the symbol contains!!!

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