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Custom Ceiling Tag: How do I edit the criteria of a custom ceiling height data tag (the ceiling is made as a slab style)?


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Good day:
I used vectorworks 2023 to create a custom data tag, it should :

  • read the ceiling height of a ceiling ( modelled as a slab style) 
    (it displays the value  in feet and inches correctly from top of slap to bottom of ceiling correctly)

  •  the object function in dynamic text reads  'Object function:Bottom of bounding box storey elevation'
    this gives the accurate top of slab to underside of ceiling slab BUT does not factor in the 2" finish on top of the slab

    HOW do I change the definition to compute, subtract two inches (-2") from the value that the tag is reading and displaying?
    HOW can the tag definition factor in the finish on top of the slab dimension, in the dynamic text value shown in the ceiling tag ?

    #datatags #dynamictexts #vwx2023

    With thanks,

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 11.17.33 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 11.18.24 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 11.17.04 AM.png

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