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Unreal Engine Direct Link Mesh Import Problems


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Hi All

I'm working on a project where I am looking to use Unreal Engine as my rendering environment for a design that is modeled in vectorworks. Ideally I would like to use the Datasmith Direct Link feature built in to vectorworks so that I can edit my model and update changes without re-importing everything.

I'm using Vectorworks 2023 SP4, and currently the datasmith direct link doesn't initialize in Unreal 5.1. Using Unreal 5.0 I can start the direct link and import my geometry. However no import is successful and I am met with a message log stating that any static mesh that was in Vectorworks could not be found.

If anyone has had success using the direct link please let me know any advice for the right workflow.

Thanks in advance

Screenshot 2023-04-17 182054.png

Edited by jmsikorski
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