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Did not find some hints in the forum, so a deside to make a new post. I think I am doing something the wrong way. But What I want to do is, to grab directly data of a polyline with arcs and radius without converting them or decomposing them. So the GetPolylineVertex command looks like the right workflow for this. But what I can see (depended how the polyline is created or which tools are used to modify it) it returns the radius not directly on the returned point index. 
The only pattern I can see is, that the last radius which was returned before the vertex point is the right radius. I can imagine, that this workes as designed to bequest the value to the next value which is 0. But somehow not logical is, that other points which are type 0 (edge) contains the radius value. Someone see behind the scene here?



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I think I found it

vs.GetPolylineArcMaxRadius(hPoly, vertexNum)

Just to close question .Correction in the loop by return 0 if Vertex Type is not Radius or Arc. Also harmonized units, this function returns mm (which is in my opinion very progressive if everything would returns mm and not document units > just a thought but how many code would fail after such an update :-). So good just new things returns mm. However  here my little fiddle

obj = vs.FSActLayer()
num = vs.GetVertNum(obj)
units = vs.GetPrefReal(150)

output = []
for i in range(1, num + 1 ):
	p, vertexType, arcRadius = vs.GetPolylineVertex(obj, i)
	if vertexType in [3,4]:
		arcRadius = vs.GetPolylineArcMaxRadius(obj, i) / units
		arcRadius = 0
	res = p, vertexType, arcRadius

vs.CreateText('\r'.join(map(str, output)))


Edited by DomC
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