We need an Unshaded Polygon No Lines render mode (Hidden Line foreground can be use for lines). Or a Final Unshaded Polygon render mode (which would have Hidden Line built in for lines).
I have a large model with many elevations so I need the most resource-efficient way to produce elevations, while very clearly delineating between materials using flat colour. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this.
- Shaded Polygon No Lines doesn't work because it includes shading
- Unshaded Polygon doesn't work because it renders all lines, which are unwanted
- Final Shaded Polygon (which has Hidden Line built into it) doesn't work because it includes shading
Renderworks (with everything off except colour + ambient light) is the closest I can get to what I need visually, because unlike Shaded (formerly OpenGL) and Shaded Polygon, RW just mixes in some black for any shading, without changing hue or saturation.