I'm new to using Marionette Tool in Vectorworks and am finding it very useful for simple parametric object creation.
I'd appreciate to know if there is a way to set the marionette-object with pre-defined values which can be selected in a drop-down selection in the object info palette?
And, to take the above further, it is also possible to add a 'Custom' option where the user can add their own value and the marionette object will follow?
To visualise this, imagine a rectangle with 'Width' and 'Height' defined and user can select it from the Object Info drop down but those 'standard' value may not be suitable (due to real-life use) and needs to change that rectangle to a project based value, therefore also a custom option in the drop-down where the user can specify 'Width' and 'Height'.
I don't wish for someone to make the network for me, I'd like to learn and build it myself
Thank you in advance.