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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, I have found a few old posts referring to similar issues but struggling to find a solution. I am using worksheets (based off the 'Simple Plant List' template worksheet) to create my plant schedules. I want to either exclude trees from the worksheet or have them appear in a separate worksheet. The standard in UK plant schedules is to have separate categories for plant types (e.g. shrub, hedge, tree, perennials, bulbs etc.). Could someone let me know a step by step how to modify my worksheet to do this? Just sticking to trees for now would help. I have read there is a 'set criteria option' in the worksheet options but this is greyed out for me and I can't select it. My trees are set to be tree 'type' in their style already. Many thanks, Jack
  2. Hello, I am using data tags as callouts on planting plans to automate my workflow. However, the tag disappears when I ungroup the planting group to modify the planting layout and then group it again. Meaning I have to re-do the work and copy another data tag to reassign . This task is laborious and can lead to omissions. Can someone please point me to the correct workflow for automating planting callouts? Thanks in advance
  3. I'm sure I've seen this topic raised before so apologies, I can't find the thread. Q. Is it possible to produce a mini plant list specific to separate setting out drawings for different borders? I have a planting scheme for a front and back garden over various terraced borders. I have created a plant schedule for the whole project and dumped this on the main overall planting design sheet. I have used different planting layers for >Trees >Shrubs >Perennials so that I can switch these on and off for planting in different phases and produce a setting out plan separately as such. I have produced a series of setting out drawings on A3 for different borders, and thought it would be a good idea to produce a mini schedule / plant list on each of these drawings summarising the plants for these areas (will also help when plants arrive so that the plants can be taken to the various zones). Is this possible? without having to create lots of additional layers/classes for different border areas? Was thinking of somehow selecting plants in that viewport and trying to create a list of plants from that selection? But not sure how to do. Many thanks in advance
  4. I have a plant list (.csv or .txt) that is just species, plant spacing, and numbers available of each plant: Species spacing available_units I want my tags to just show species, count, spacing, and to see how many plants I have left that are allocated to the job. I do not need or want plant symbols showing (Id rather not use them at all as it just makes file overlarge and is just map clutter), I just want a tag to a polygon. Is this possible? I've tried and get lost in a mass of dialogs, and just go back to what I've always done. Do I have to use the Landscape Area objects?, as there seems to be more mucking around compared with closed polylines/polygons. How do I set this up to be as simple as possible? Can I have a specific list for each job rather than go off a master list? VWs whole plant DB ecosystem has never gelled for me, it is simply more info than I'll ever need (and lacks a lot of utility/control that I need).
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