There seems to be a lot more auto-generated classes lately. For example, if I insert a stage light to project a gobo or I simply want the instrument body to appear as part of the scenery in my rendering, that auto creates four classes: Braceworks, Hanging Point, Distributed load and Point load. When I try to delete these classes I'm informed that "one of more of the objects I'm trying to delete is a required component..." Even after I have moved the objects to other classes. Same with all kinds of objects and symbols. It makes me not want to import anything in from the RB for fear of cluttering up my document with undeleteable classes.
I can go into the Org panel and work my way up the tree reassigning and deleting and it looks like it worked. But exit, and there they are, still in the navigation stack. I go to one of these classes with Layers=S/S/MO and Classes=Active only and Ctrl-A and get nothing. So these are empty but undeletable classes.
Is there a way to control the auto-generated classes or at the very least delete them effectively?
VW 2020 Windows 10