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Found 4 results

  1. The NBS team have just announced an update to their Uniclass tables. The updated tables can be found here https://www.thenbs.com/-/media/uk/files/zip/uniclass/uniclass-all-2021-01.zip?la=en As part of our ongoing preparation of Vectorworks resources for our clients and customers, we have just updated the BS1192/ISO19650 compatible class library previously issued, namely Uniclass Table EF to v1.8 and attach it for your information and comment. All amendments and revisions to classes are noted in Red. The NBS team have not deprecated any classes in this latest update, but we will note these in grey when the time comes. There is a 'Read Me' class also in the file, to identify the version of the table, along with commonly used filters as previously discussed. Uniclass Table Ss is currently in preparation, and can be emailed on request. The attached table is v2020. It was felt that issuing v2020 and letting you convert to v2021 did not pose any major technical issues. As before classes are prefixed with the Discipline code 'A-'. Use the Batch Rename command to change this code. If you would like any other tables in any other version of Vectorworks; need help uploading to, or configuring your workgroup folder; or would like be included on our mailing list, please do not hesitate to contact us via the forum. Regards Steven Shorter BA(Hons) DiplArch(pcl) Architect Classes-BS1192-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-8-2020.vwx
  2. Dear Vectorworks Would it be possible to issue up-to-date Uniclass 2015 classification tables with every service pack in future? Table Pr for example was updated in April 2023, and is now on revision 1-30. The version that ships with VW is v1-19. For those interested, the csv that works with the lookup classification tables in the materials properties dialog can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/t/195w5kmiIoYa4A2Q I have saved it as a Dropbox link because I cannot upload csv files to the forum. Save it in the Libraries/Defaults/Classifications folder in the application folder or workgroup folder. Note to Vectorworks... These tables now include a 'Sub-Object' column and this throws Vectorworks off the scent, and the descriptions that we rely on to find the correct code are missing. The csv above has the sub-object column deleted. Thanks.
  3. Currently we can create a text field that concatenates other fields in the titlesheet. This is great if you want the drawing number on the drawing to be an amalgamation of disparate fields, and not have to deal with the monster that is ISO19650 numbering in the sheet number itself, i.e. the sheet number in the sheet layer. The concatenation #Project Data.Project Code#-#Project Data.Originator#-#Sheet Data.Functional Breakdown#-#Sheet Data.Spatial Breakdown#-#Sheet Data.Form#-#Project Data.Discipline#-#Sheet Data.Sheet Number# as you will all know results in something like 1234-SSL-XXX-100L-DP-A-020100 using one of the ISO19650 UK National Annex variants. 😉 However, it strikes me that this is the wrong way around. What we need is the ability to form the sheet number itself from disparate fields. This way we can then conform to ISO19650 by adding the correctly named parameters to our titlesheet and concatenate them to compose the sheet number. The sheet number then can be used far more easily and reliably (which are fundamental to compliance issues) when batch exporting to PDF, and would avoid us having to use the 'file export options'. Annoyingly, like the status parameter in the title block border, the sheet number is uneditable. And parameters in the titleblock border cannot contain formulae to pull data from other parts of the file or the sheet like data mapping can. ps I will be giving a CPD on all this soon if anyone is interested...
  4. Hello Whilst we prepare an update to our ISO19650/Uniclass 2015 class libraries, thought you might like a useful tip when using Materials. Materials can be tagged with Uniclass 2015 classification and description. Out of the box, Vectorworks ships with whichever version of the Uniclass Pr table was current at the time, so you have to update it yourselves. To do this, either: Add the latest table to your Workgroup folder (good if working in a larger office) (We suggest adding Pr and Ss tables) or Add the latest tables to your workstation. The Uniclass classification tables live the 'Libraries/Defaults/Classifications' folder in the Applications folder on a Mac, or equivalent location on a PC, or workgroup folder location. e.g. /Applications/Vectorworks 2021/Libraries/Defaults/Classifications or /Workgroup/Vectorworks/2021/Libraries/Defaults/Classifications To add the latest table, download the XLS file from the Uniclass 2015 website, and save as a csv file, ensuring the formatting matches the existing Pr csv file shipped with Vectorworks. The tables should then be available when you click the 'Lookup' button in the 'Define Material' dialog. The latest Uniclass tables can be found here https://www.thenbs.com/our-tools/uniclass-2015 Regards Steven
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