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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I have created my own custom title block. It has a field where the file name is, this field contains a file stamp that gets its information from the actual file name. When I insert this title block on a new drawing in my project, the file name field is correct filled. But if i change the file name and open the file do the old file name still appear in the "file name" field. The other day i discovered that if I mark a title block and then uncheck the "This title block is active" box and the check it again, the file name stamp is updating on all drawings. BUT is it possible to force this field to automatic update the file name, if there has been a file name update? I work in a quite big department, and I am afraid that not everyone remember to do the "uncheck and check" thing.
  2. We are running VWX 2014 Architect between a few users in a team. We share all our drawings over a shared dropbox folder. We name our files as follows for different parts of the project which are all referenced to each other using referenced design layers : PROJECT NAME - LIGHTING PROJECT NAME - FURNITURE SETTING OUT etc.. Sometimes we've noticed file names changing from ALL CAPS as above, to all lower case - Any idea why this could be happening ? I dont think its a dropbox issue as i havnt noticed it happening with any other non VWX files shared in dropbox.
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