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  1. Since the introduction of Project Sharing in VW2016 and many other features in VW, it seems like the company has made a decision of steering users to single file workflows. With that said, we haven't found a way yet to consolidate our complex and memory intensive referenced file workflow into a single file system...at least not practically. I'm curious to what credit VW gives to differing workflows when developing tools or looking at the big picture. While I love the idea of doing everything in one file, we face two large hurdles to practically implement this practice on some of our larger sites. These roadblocks are: File Size - Our work is often broken out into 3 different segments (layout/grading, planting, and irrigation); thus, we have created a separate file for each. We have created a referenced file workflow that combines each of the various files together to generate our documents (schematic, design development, construction document). On large projects it is not uncommon for any one file to top out at 1+ GB, and individually, this already puts a strain on our machines. I cannot imagine combining our files together will result in smaller or more manageable file sizes, so we really haven't even considered it. Layer Management - With our multiple files, each with their respective design and sheet layers, it is also equally hard to imagine combining all of this organization into one file without a better way to organize it. Take our irrigation files alone. Our practice is to put each individual irrigation design zone/station into its own respective design layer. We do this for a myriad of reasons, but mainly, it is just easier to track and document complex systems. That said, it isn't unheard of that some of our irrigation files will contain almost 100 design layers! Similarly, we have worked on projects that have 20 irrigation sheets, 20 hardscape/grading sheets, 20 detail sheets, and 20 planting sheets. If I put all of that information together in one file, there is no way to organize it. I imagine a simple hierarchical or folder system similar to how classes currently sort would help this exponentially. The main reason I bring this topic up is that I have noticed that many of the new features VW has pushed in the past few years are solely intended to function in a single file workflow, but immediately run into difficulties when using a referenced file approach that we currently employ. Take the new Titleblocks for example, or even the old Sheet Borders...how do I use the same titleblock in 3-4 different files while keeping the Project specific data constant and maintaining individual control of the Sheet specific data? Referenced symbol? Referenced Titleblock Style? This works great in theory, but you quickly realize that the Project based data, when changed in one referenced file, does not transfer to other referenced files. I would love to hear more about peoples experiences/struggles with their single file or referenced file workflows. How is it working for you? Cumbersome? Have it all worked out? What else needs to be done to make this practical?
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