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Posts posted by AndiACD

  1. Sorry Ray, i forgot the version part, but it doesn't work with this symbol in V11.5.1 or V2008(i have an evaluation copy and so far i'm a little disappointed that many quibbles i've had since v9 still haven't been solved).

    Pat, those 2D items generally are the profile that forms the extrusion or sweep that makes the object. if they go, so does that part of the symbol. i've been through every editing stage of the symbol start to finish to ensure there is absolutely nothing where it shouldn't be, lines, 2D objects, locus, you name it and so far i've found nothing. it is possible there might be a line hidden somewhere under a profile, but i'm damned if i can find it.

    Oh, i use the Apple/Command+bracket keyboard shortcut to access and exit the editing stages. Menu=Too many mouse miles and as for contextual menus! Never learnt! Guess it's time i did!


    Thanx guys


  2. Can any one help me here. i have been trying to rotate a Symbol i created made up of a large number of parts, but regardless which tool i choose for the task VW tells me "Hybrid Objects can only be rotated in Plan/Top view."

    Now, that would be fine if i needed to rotate it along the "Z" axis, but i need to rotate it along the "X" axis.

    Along side this, there is the Hybrid factor. Well it's not! Yes many of the components are extruded from 2D shapes, but these are at the ground level of each object and as far as i recall have never selected a hybrid option for these models. Besides, VW refuses to leave 2D objects laying around in or between editing stages and always tells you they're to be deleted or that it can't be done, so what have i omitted or left in place to cause this.

    i'm usually able to spin objects any way i want, shocks, arms, links, but this one's got me beat. Thanx for any help.

  3. Tom's hit the nail on the head here, but you'll find that there IS a way around it(forgive the pun. Ouch!) i've been moaning about the unwanted "you have tried to create an object that can't be computed, edit the geo . . . . . ." that's when i hit the head, mine against the desk.

    Now, if, when you have the screw, bolt, grub placed where you want it and VW refuses to accomodate, select just the screw in the front view(assuming it is vertical, but left, right, back, plan all work, depending obviously on the orientation of the screw. Look at it side on) and zoom in so the thread fills the screen and use the "Nudge" function(Shift+Up Arrow/Down, Left or Right all work) this moves the object a small amount but often it's enough. Try and subtract again and it should work.

    Why it works is because when adding or subtracting objects VW detests any lines that overlap or cross each other so if you find VW complaining that you can't do this, look closer at intersecting lines like the head of the screws profile and if it's flush with the surface of the material you need to subtract it from, adjust the position(100ths of a mm are usually enough) till it's happy and does what you want. Movement is small so it shouldn't affect the accuracy.

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