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Kaare Baekgaard

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Posts posted by Kaare Baekgaard

  1. 1. Working with meshes can be very frustrating, because the program requires these to be extremely accurate, when they are used in solid operations. Sometimes meshes generated by the program are suddenly too inaccurate to be accepted in solid operations. And if I create a mesh from 3d polygons manually, it is almost never accepted, although I have been using 3d snaps all along. Please make the program more tolerant of inaccuracies.

    2. The "low" setting in the 2D and 3D conversion resolution of the preferences menu item should (must!) be supplementet with a "very low" option. I spend a lot of tiresome time deleting points in order to reduce database size for the very complex renderings.

    3. In earlier versions of Vectorworks (MiniCad), I could get the height, width and depth values of a 3d object or group by selecting it, and then read the values on the object info palette in the deltaX and deltaY, etc. fields. Now I can only do this in plan view, and not with all objects. Please bring this feature back. Grey the fields, if I am not alowed to change them, but show the figures anyway.

    4. Pleeaase let me somehow tab into- and out of the object info palette. I am tired of clicking into- and out of this palette all of the time.

    5. An import/export filter, that allow me to transfer 3d objects between programs along with their textures.

    6. Extrude along path tool.

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