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  1. I'm at a university and finally got vectorworks 12.5 to work. My Dell with Win XP works fine after the nethasp.ini file was configured and placed in the vectorworks folder. However, we couldn't get any Macs to work and kept getting the following error: "Network Dongle Protection Error: No active network dongle server(HASP License Manager) was found. VectorWorks will now quit." After many frustrating hours, here is how we got it fixed (OS X 10.4.4): 1. select the "Go" menu and select "go to folder" 2. type "/etc" and press the "Go" button 3. place the correctly configured nethasp.ini folder in the etc folder. 4. launch vectorworks, seemed to work after that. Hope this can help someone. These instructions were from an e-mail from one of their tech support people. I doubt I would have figured it out on my own.
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