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Everything posted by don

  1. I am just starting to use Landmark 12.5 and have created three layers in a drawing. All layers are visible, not grayed. I have set design options to Show/Snap/Modify Others but it will not modify any but the active layer. I am coming from VW 8.5. Is there something else I need to be doing?
  2. Katie; thanks for the reply. I found that when I saved the files to the disk there were two files created with the same name. One was a 1kb file and the other was 60-320 kb depending on the job. I was able to get one to open but another file (96kb) will not open. The message says not enough memory which is hard to believe. What would cause that? Also on the one I was able to open there was no way to save it. When I went into save or save as nothing happened.
  3. I just upgraded from a MAC 8.5 version of VW to a windows 12.5 version of VW (Landmark). When I try to open an 8.5 file that I have on a disk an error message states that it is either a newer version or a very old Mini Cad version. Will a 8.5 file not open in 12.5? If I try saving as a dxf file will I lose a lot of information when reopened?
  4. I currently use Vectorworks 8.5 (Mac version) How much learning curve would there be to go to Vectorworks 11? Are the pull down menu bars and pallets that much different? I have a G4 mac with OS 9 and 10 and a Epson 1520 printer, that as far as I know, there is no OS 10 driver for. Can Vectorworks 11 be run on OS 9? or does anyone know where there is a OS 10 driver for the Epson 1520? My biggest concern is upgrading to Vectorworks 11 and then not being able to print without a printer upgrade as well. thanks for any input Don
  5. I am using layerscale to create halfsize drawing.
  6. I am using VW 8.5 and plot drawings at halfscale and blow up to full scale at a copycenter. The problem is the arrowheads on the leaders get really huge. Is there an easy way to edit them to halfsize so when I enlarge they are regular size. thanks.
  7. don


    I have created a drawing in VW 8.5 and want to create a shaded easement. When I use the polygon tool and create the shape it is on top of the previously created itms and blocks them out. how do I get a shaded shape "under" those other layers so i can see them and the sheded area?
  8. By dual platform I mean OS 9 and OS 10.
  9. I just purchased a dual platform iMAC. I have VW 8.5 loaded and running on OS 9.2 along with my Epson 1520. I am thinking of upgrading to VW 10 but in looking at the epson website I see that there is no driver for OS 10. So would I be able to print from VW 10 to the epson?
  10. don

    Epson 1520

    Thanks for all the imput. I found that if wicroweave is on I get the shadow. When I turn it off I do not get the shadow.
  11. don

    Epson 1520

    I am using Mac OS 9.1.
  12. I am using Vectorworks 8.5 and print to a epson 1520. Lately i am getting a "shadow" vertical line to the right of bold text or heavy line weights. Is this a problem with the epson or vectorworks? Also is there any printer under $1000 that can handle A2 paper like the epson 1520. I do not think epson even makes one anymore?
  13. I am trying to import a dxf drawing file and am getting the error message "open DWG Library Error 171 interval error" I am using VW 8.5.1 with OS 9.1. The disk i am importing is IBM formatted. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem?
  14. I am using VW 8.5 and have improted DXF file into drawing (points only). Points are displayed with point number/elevation/identification. How do I convert them to 3D points to create a DTM. thanks Don
  15. I currently use Vectorworks 8.5 with Mac os 9.1 and am thinking of upgrading to Landmark 10. From the lierature it sounds as though I have to upgrade to Mac os 10. Does the epson 1520 printer work on mac os 10? does Landmark 10 run on mac 9.1?
  16. don


    I also have talked to the sales people and they said end of April, maybe. They say the delay was caused by the switch to Vectorworks 9.0
  17. When is Landmark going to ready for shipping?
  18. I work as an Engineer/Surveyor and from what I have read think that Landmark my be a great start to a civil package. When is it coming out?
  19. don


    The Vector Works manual refernces on line documents. Where are they? The one I am looking for is DTM OL-DT. Thanks to the help of one of the administrators I can get the points to be used to create a DTM set up, now I need to know how to edit the contours.
  20. don


    How do I enter survey points by hand using Vector Works 8.5.1. Northing,Easting, Elevation so that I can later create contours using the DTM feature. [This message has been edited by don (edited 01-27-2000).]
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