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  1. I see...the Layer Stack order is roughly equivalent to send to front/back. I appreciate the quick answer to such a novice question! Stranger? I guess they don't get any "stranger" than me, but how did the server know? Now, to continue my quest... Thanks James
  2. Hi guys, I go all the way back to MiniCad, but this is the first time I have tried much with Architect and I have run into a situation. Used Setup to get an Architect Workspace set up and ready to go. Built walls without any trouble. Roof is somewhat complex, but thanks to this forum so far so good. While building the roofs I noticed that the roofs appeared to be somewhat "translucent". Now, whenever I render, the walls dominate the view, not allowing the roof to block the view of the walls where appropriate. It's like "send to front" in 2-D. I haven't used 3-D much, but this is a first. I poked around thinking Setup may have set some class feature I don't know about...no luck so far. Any Ideas? Thanks James
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