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Everything posted by buz

  1. So I have made some progress - seems maybe I was using the 'add 3d wall peaks' instead of the reshape option. Still though, when you have two walls meeting each ending in 22.5? miters, raising them to form raked walls it looks as though one side (outside) of the wall raises faster than the other (inside). I can't find a way to 'feather' the walls together where then join. I tried using different joining techniques but that ended kinda disasterously.
  2. I have no trouble making a wall fit a typical gable roof situation. Currently I am drawing a basically square floor plan (24' x 24') but at one end it is drawn like a 'bay' effect where the wall turns 45? runs 5' and turns 45? again to a now parallel wall (with the back wall) then at the other end 45'ed twice again to return to the side wall. Pulling the main section of this wall up to the roof is easy. It's parallel with the rise of the roof. But the 'mitered' side walls (running across the rafters at 45?) are proving difficult. Seems the selection point is centered in the wall depth and it's pulling up in such a way as it doesn't 'fit' the main wall gable. Tough one to explain. Hope someone can decipher this. Buz
  3. Katie Thank you - not sure what happened but it has taken effect. Seems it just took a little while.
  4. I have changed the defaults of both the simple and complex windows to 'elevation set at' - 'head of window' and 'elevation' from 2'8" to 6' 8". On opening the window prefs the changes do not show up. Thinking maybe I had to quit and restart VW - I did - but still the 'old' defaults are still showing. How do I make the changes take effect. Mac OS10.2.2 and VWA 9.5.3
  5. Mike - thank you. It helps some alright. I guess the question stems from - if I had 'use at creation' checked in the classes dialog, and had selected a solid fill, then it seems these cabs would fill as they were created as long as they are in the Classes>Millwork>Main class. I understand the red vs black objs from the OB. The cabs from the Palettes>Architect are also pios and regardless of the class atributes 'set at creation' - they install unfilled. PIOs from the OB are filled at creation. It's really not that big of a deal, just trying to make sure I understand. Guess Nemetschek folks either don't want to address this for me or have started a long holiday break - :-) Thanks again
  6. Is the question that stupid? Or is it me again?
  7. Ok? good question. They came from the Object Palette as opposed to the Object Browser. Not sure if there is a difference between the two. Edit - So I went to my drawing and selected a cabinet from the object browser and viewed it's 3d. It shows up solid, but the attributes palette shows it as no fill. Selecting the cab and selecting solid fill is no change to the cab. De-selecting solid fill (no fill) is again no change. Edit (2) - So it seems the cabinets from the Object palette are the PIO's as they have considerable modification options in the OIP whereas the cabs fromn the OB have no mods available other than positioning. [ 12-12-2002, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: buz ]
  8. In my classes dialog box I have and had 'use at creation' selected and a solid fill selected. when designing this kitchen, none of the cabs inserted with solid fill. I had to individually select solid fill with the attributes pallete. Am I missing something here?
  9. buz

    ID Label Tool

    Updated to 9.5.3 and the ID tool is working again and the export>image file>jpeg is just fine. Haven't checked the OBjBrowser door issue yet. Couldn't see coming back for another post re the doors - so checked - and it to is working. Admin/Mod: delete this topic/thread if you like.
  10. buz

    ID Label Tool

    Ok - so I have been having more and more trouble with this as well as other things - wish I knew what was so haywire. The ID Tool will not ID a door. A door from the ObjBrowser will not cut walls. And export image file (jpeg) will only export the lower right corner of the drawing. (8.5x11 portrait) So .... I suppose I should have three postings?????? [ 11-16-2002, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: buz ]
  11. buz


    Have VWA 9.5.2 and see no such menu item
  12. buz

    ID Label Tool

    Trying to use this tool and I get a dialog box saying 'Plug-ins\Common\Data\ID_Symbols.MCD can't be found'. Wanting to use it on some simple door instances from the 'Objects Palette'. Can someone tell me what's going on here? Thank you [ 11-15-2002, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: buz ]
  13. buz


    Robert A cursory look at the commands in the menu bar didn't show those two commands. where would they be found?
  14. buz


    Robert - thank you - works fine - the locus would streamline it. Buz
  15. buz


    I used to be able to dimension centers of doors and windows - but no longer - how do I get VWA to snap to center of doors and windows. I thought using the oc modifier icon would create a locus to snap to but this doesn't seem to be it. any help? tfyh Buz
  16. the cylinder winds up as a 12 sided figure. How do I get it to be a smooth cylinder? tfyh Buz
  17. To Cipes and Kiwi I have been keeping an eye on this thread with interest in what one could expect in the way of drawing time for a simple home. Seems there's quite a spread here between from 40 to 50 hours and 10 to 15 hours. Wondering what the difference is here. Seems Mr Cipes has been doing this long enough to have a decent grasp of the program and Mr Kiwi as well. Could you be talking different levels of 'simple'? Just curious here.
  18. buz

    drawing details

    Fred - thanks for the reply. I'm not sure how your method would work to get the detail 'area' to a sheet containing numerous details. How do I locate Julian Carr's tool for taking snap shots?
  19. buz

    drawing details

    is there a way to take a snap shot of 'say' a section drawing eave detail and bring it up in a larger scale detail layer?
  20. Katie - thank you - my question was more related to the other objects listed in the VWA manual pages B14 to B17. Take for instance the Drwg Label. If I select from ObjBrowser>DrwgGrapgics.mcd>drwg label it defaults to the 'none' class and if I select it from the Arch Tool Pallet it defaults to the currently selected class. The manual says it should auto class to the Notes-Sheet class. Maybe this has something to do with the set up assistant. I am not using the set up assistant. Do these objects auto class only if you use the set up assistant? My only concern is - is my VWA working properly.
  21. According to the manual, certain pio's and symbols are autoclassing. For trial and error I selected the drawing label and inserted it into a drawing. I tried it from the tools palette and the object browser and regardless of where it came from it uses the current selected class. Is there a preference somewhere to make these pio's auto class? tfyh Buz
  22. Ok - thanks - turned out to be pretty simple too.
  23. Looks like I get to take my first plunge into the workspace editor with two assignments - :-) BTW - is it possible to assign a 'toggle' type key stroke - same key to switch back and forth?
  24. Thank you Katie - I didn't see where this key combo had been reserved so thought it may be a simple matter of asssigning it - thank you
  25. Don't ask me why! I duplicated the offending objects > deleted the duplicate > and then the original became 'active' again. Strange but true! :-)
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