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Hans Boman

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Posts posted by Hans Boman

  1. When using the window or door tool you get a simplyfied rendition of a window or a door when you insert it in your drawing/model. I work in Sweden and sometimes I would like to insert a door or window that looks more similar to the product in real life. The cross section of the jamb, sash, shin etc is a bit more complicated in Sweden than the ones you get in the window styles library. In fact the only style that has cross sections that reminds me of real Swedish windows are the Velfac UK windows. The simplyfied windows are most times ok, but I would like to have a window style that I can use to ceate a swedish window. Windows made before ca 1970 often had two (2) parallell sets of sashes...    Thanks for feedback and/or tips on how to create a new window style with other cross sections of jamb and sash etc than provided in the style library.

  2. Hello!

    Most of my projects are quite small, for instance new villas or extensions of them. I have problems rendering the facades with the create section viewport command. The different stories, often no more than two, do not connect correctly and the result is ugly horizontal lines where the stories connect on all the facades. This only show when rendered in hidden line, in shaded mode it's ok, no horizontal lines. The lines give me a lot of extra work to cover up.

    It probably is only a simple setting somewhere, but I have not found it.

    Can someone help?

    Hans Boman, Sweden

  3. I think I was unclear...

    When I created the doors and windows with the tool I checked the "show tag in 2D"-box in the settings. But the tags come in different size and font...

    I would like to edit that.

    In the resource manager I have "data tag styles", but editing that doesn't affect my tags.

    And I would rather be able to turn them off.

  4. Hello!

    How do I delete unwanted objects that are only shown in my viewports?

    I have made a medel of a office/storage-building in two stories. When creating viewports, in one of the outer walls I get an unidentified object that only shows i the viewports - all of them and nowhere else. It is protruding out of the wall like a bizarre sculpture, remiding of a deformed wall. I have gone through all my layers and classes with microscope, but there is nothing there! At least nothing that shows... If I delete the wall it is protruding from, it remains i thin air in seen the viewports.

    Any ideas, anyone?

    Hans Boman, Landskrona Sweden

  5. Hello!

    I am a relativly new user of VW and I have two questions regading ID tags and their attrubutes.

    1. I can not find clear and easy instructions on how to get control over the tags. I would like to have control over text size and font. At this moment my tags initialized in the door and window tools creates tags with different size and font. How and where do I control the attributes of my tags?

    2. How do I turn the tags on and off? I would like to create two sets of sheets with horizontal section viewports - one with the ID-tags showing and one without. Can I place the tags in a separate class that I with one click turn the visibility off?


    Hans Boman, Landskrona Sweden

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