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  1. A belated thanks for taking a look for me, Tom (for some reason I'm not getting the email notifications that you replied!). I'm glad it's not just me. It works in my more recent designs so I'm not sure what's happened with this one when it worked before. No doubt I've invariable checked a box...or not... Very much appreciate your time to take a look.
  2. Morning Tom I've managed to make it work on a different design so it doesn't make any sense really. I've attached a stripped back version of the design in question. Many thanks for taking a look for me. Copy for VW forum re picking up levels.vwx
  3. A belated thanks for your reply, Tom. Sadly that didn't work either. It's a bit of a mystery as it worked originally. It does seem odd that there's no easy way to pick up finished levels on a slope as this is what's needed on site to set the garden out.
  4. Apologies for revisiting this post a few months on, but I can't seem to pick any levels up from the hardscape anymore i.e. so that I have a finished level to give my landscaper. Does anyone know whether one of the recent updates has impacted the ability to do this? I created the stake object and sent it to surface but it's not picking up any data from the hardscape. These are the settings I'm using... It works when I set the elevation to the proposed site model, but that's not the information I need. Many thanks Lisa
  5. Yes, thank Tom, I did try that - text looks quite small though - I'll see how it looks when I print it out
  6. Thanks guys - I'm still quite new to VW. Makes sense to use on the design layers but seems a shame that you can't pick up the level for the sheet layer when the contractor needs that info. Sometimes I think it would be quicker to if I went back to hand drawing! 😂 I'll do it manually for this project as I have a deadline next week, but I'll have a further dig when I have a bit more time and head space!
  7. Hello Tom and Jeff. Should I be able to pick up the new hardscape levels when I'm annotating a viewport? When I place a stake on a hardscape object in the design layer and then send to surface of the hardscape it picks up the finished modified level of the hardscape (which is what I want), but nothing happens when I do the same in the viewport. Any ideas? These are the settings I'm using for the stake object.... It's just a bit of a long process if I have to manually add the new levels to the setting out drawing when I'm sure there must be a way. Thanks Lisa
  8. Many thanks for your responses. I was trying to pick up the hardscape so this has been really helpful. I've been able to place a stake and send to surface to see the finished level at a given height. I will have a look at the data tags too. Either way, it will also help with setting out drawings.
  9. I'm working on a steeply sloped site and I wondered whether it's possible to pick up the new levels from the modified site. So, for example, for the sloped driveway, I'd like to pick up the levels part way down the slope where a pathway will be joining it. I've tried to stake tool but this only seems to pick up the existing levels on the site model even though it's set to "proposed" in the tool preferences.
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