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Everything posted by Intuos5

  1. Another interesting way to increase the number of shortcuts is to allow multi-key shortcut sequences (e.g. F, I for Fillet). FreeCAD implemented this with a user specifiable delay in ms. The command is activated if no other key was pressed during the specified time window in ms. Basically, you can use single key shortcuts, shortcuts with all modifier combinations and any combination thereof (e.g. something random for illustration sake: F, Ctrl + I, Alt + F2, Shift F Or just F, F Or F, Spacebar + F Or T, R, I, M). This is very flexible and helps people who are used to aliases (Autocad or shortcuts like Revit). The one system to do everything you want.
  2. The keyboard shortcuts should be overhauled. 1. Right now, they are tedious to set-up due to the dropdown for the modifier key combinations that you need to adjust by mouse. Ideally, the input box itself should also capture modifier keys that were pressed in addition to function keys, numeric keys, letter or symbol keys. 2. To the user, it makes no sense to have an arbitrary restriction on modifier key combinations just because an item is in the menus. You should be able to use any shortcut you want anywhere (except for OS reserved ones). 3. The pop-up warning can take care of shortcut conflicts for the user and signal that a shortcut in the tools has already been used in the menus. And possibly give the means to immediately edit the conflicting hotkey from within the pop-up. This saves a lot of back and forth navigation, because, at the moment, the conflicting hotkey is just removed.
  3. Hi, According to this topic, it is not possible to change the language of a Vectorworks install. But can I change the language to English for my student license? I cannot find a different installation file, nor can I change distributor. But I always use English in the software, because it is much easier to reference tutorials and documentation from.
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